Stripped Naked Read online

Page 5

  The erotic sight of the cage clenching Sander’s flushed shaft and the shower hose attached from the toy to the wall gave Daniel the impression that Sander was on a penis leash and he was Daniel’s captive to do with what he wished. That idea made Daniel’s erection jerk wildly. Excitement lashed him at this newfound fantasy.

  Daniel closed his eyes and thrust. Immediately Sander’s lips tightened around his heavy cock. His teeth grazed his sensitive flesh and his tongue lapped the tender length beneath Daniel’s stiff dick.

  Daniel plunged until he hit the back of Sander’s throat and positioned his hand accordingly along his shaft so that the next time he wouldn’t go so far as to hurt Sander. He had no idea if the doctor knew how to deep throat and now wasn’t the time to ask.

  He held tight to Sander’s hair and plunged his cock into Sander’s mouth again and again, loving the wet heat and the tight suction and enjoying the carnal sensations zipping along his spine.

  As Daniel fucked Sander’s mouth, he was impressed that his captive kept up with his quick and deep thrusts. His lips slurped and his tongue caressed and within seconds the tension building inside Daniel burst.

  He came and he came hard, bucking and shouting Sander’s name. Sunbursts exploded behind his eyes and euphoric pleasure embraced him. Blindly he thrust his hips, pistoning quickly in and out. Daniel sucked deep and hard and never slowed. Sander gave freely and Daniel accepted eagerly as he became lost in the flames of hot ecstasy, spurting into Sander’s mouth.

  * * * * *

  After the shower session they had oral sex in Daniel’s bed—not once but twice—followed by the insertion of a massive butt plug as Daniel had promised. Now as Sander replayed everything that had happened—giving Daniel the tetanus shot while admiring his engorged cock, having dinner in the wine room, oral sex in the shower and then in the bed, the plug—was it any wonder he was tired?

  Yeah, he wanted to fall asleep but he also wanted to stay awake and listen to Daniel breathing. He loved the flex of Daniel’s muscular arm beneath his head as Sander used it as a pillow. He enjoyed the heat wafting off his body as his ex-boss lay snuggled against him beneath the sheets.

  Up above lightning flashed through the numerous skylights and thunder boomed, vibrating the bed. Sander didn’t even flinch. It was amazing how protected he felt.

  “I used to be terrified of storms,” he suddenly said. He hadn’t meant to confess but it just slipped out as he was thinking it.

  Daniel’s eyes opened and he turned his head to look at Sander. There was a really tender smile tilting his lips and for a split second Sander thought Daniel might laugh. But he didn’t.

  “Why?” Concern etched his voice and there was a gentle caring in the way his brows dipped and furrowed.

  “Rough childhood.” He figured that was a good enough explanation but Daniel shifted onto his side, facing Sander. His eyes were bright with curiosity and something else. Tenderness and an intimacy that made heat slide through his entire being. This man truly cared about him. Was Daniel the man of his dreams as he’d begun to believe or was this all too good to be true?

  “I know we’ve never chatted about our pasts,” Daniel said. “At least not in depth. How about we exchange stories? I had it pretty rough too but I’m not bothered by storms. Tell me what happened to make you afraid?”

  “My parents. They both had anger issues,” Sander confessed.

  Daniel didn’t say anything so Sander continued.

  “They had to get married because of Dad getting Mom pregnant at sixteen. They were like storms when they fought and they made it a point not to fight in front of the kids, at least when we were little. When my sister and I were in bed, that’s when they’d get into it. They forgot that we had ears. We heard everything. Mostly they yelled about finances. There was never enough money for the rent. We went hungry a lot. When they weren’t yelling, dishes were being smashed, our pet dog was getting kicked and bones were breaking as Dad tossed Mom off the walls. As we got older he started beating on us as well.”

  Daniel cursed softly.

  “So I grew up being afraid of loud noises, especially thunder.”

  “And I’m assuming the financial part of it made you want to be a doctor to help those who are less fortunate?”

  “Yeah, especially because there wasn’t any money for health insurance and Mom couldn’t afford to get those broken bones fixed. To this very day she walks with a limp because the bones in her ankle didn’t heal right after he kicked the crap out of her one night. I’ve been on her about paying for the surgery but she’s a proud woman and still plenty angry. She accepts no money from me or my sister. It was hell convincing her to apply for disability because she’s blind in one eye from a retinal detachment due to too many punches. And she has a balance problem from a bone in her inner ear being broken and once again, she refuses an operation to get that fixed.”

  “She’s stubborn like me. I like your mom already.”

  Sander smiled and closed his eyes. “She’d like you too.”

  “And your dad? I know you never talk about him. You’ve changed the subject in the past, so I thought it wasn’t my business but I know you’ve said he was in prison…”

  “Most likely for the rest of his life. His anger issues keep getting him years tacked onto his sentence. But I guess that’s prison life. One night when I was sixteen, he beat the crap out of my sister and me and then he tried to kill Mom by choking her. We couldn’t get him to stop so my sister and I screamed for help.”

  Sander stopped for a moment as Daniel put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He liked the sympathetic gesture. It encouraged him to continue.

  “Neighbors came but they couldn’t calm him and her face was blue, so someone called 9-1-1. Thankfully the cops were there within a couple of minutes. I believe he would have killed her if they hadn’t been on a break just around the corner when they heard the call come in over their radio. They tasered Dad. They took one look at the three of us and knew bad shit had been happening. They encouraged us to press charges. It was easy to get him convicted as the cops and several neighbors were witnesses.”

  “Good for you. But it must have been really difficult to do. For all of you.”

  Sander nodded and inhaled a deep breath to steady his suddenly tense body. He still didn’t like talking about his past, even with Daniel. Despite that it felt good to purge the poison and reveal that shit.

  “We should have put him behind bars earlier,” Sander admitted. “He had plenty of opportunity to get free anger counseling but it never worked. I can tell you this much with certainty, if we hadn’t pressed charges then, I would have killed him the next time he laid his hands on us. I would have been the one in prison and not him.”

  To Sander’s surprise Daniel trembled beside him. “Let’s not go there. I don’t even want to think about that. The thought about you not being in my life…”

  Sander understood. It was time to change the subject.

  “You said earlier about your dad…” Sander said. He wanted to know all about Daniel and about what made him tick. Had wanted to know for so long but like Daniel he hadn’t thought small talk was appropriate.

  “He was a good man when he wasn’t drinking,” Daniel revealed. “He had a gambling problem too, so there was never enough money in the house. My two younger brothers and I went to bed hungry many times. I was the oldest of three kids. My brothers were twins. I was five years their senior and the minute I was old enough I got a job delivering newspapers and bagging groceries at a local store to help put food on the table.”

  Daniel’s tone changed to one of sadness. “Dad didn’t like it when I came home with the groceries. I guess because he figured he could have used the money to buy booze or gamble or maybe it made him look bad in front of the family. He got pissed off a lot.”

  “Not good.”

  Daniel yawned and then continued.

  “No, but when he wasn’t drinking or gambling, he was cool. He took us
on walks and played sports with us. He taught us how to play pool and stuff but like I said he got mugged when I was fourteen.”

  He hesitated a moment. When he continued his voice was thick with emotion. “Someone stabbed him in the heart. They never found his killer but rumors floated around it was a hit because he’d owed someone a large amount of money and they made an example out of him. As a result of his death, I felt like I should take over, so I became the breadwinner for the family.”

  Suddenly Daniel chuckled. It was a hearty sound and Sander sensed the worst of what Daniel had wanted to tell him was over. He continued in a softer tone.

  “I was bigger than I looked for my age and didn’t have trouble convincing people I was older. I worked at everything I could get my hands on. Maintenance at a local pool—later I became a lifeguard—kept that paper route and expanded it, gobbling up vacancies as they occurred.”

  Pride was quite evident in his voice now as he spoke. “Learned on my own recordkeeping and banking. As I got older I began working at a car-parts manufacturing firm. The owner took me under his wing and for a long time life was good. Then he died. By then I had learned all the ins and outs of how it all worked and I started my own company. Like the paper route I expanded with more firms. I’ve always been working and never looked back. I’m glad you made me stop with that warning about my heart during that last physical.”

  “You’re welcome,” Sander whispered.

  He heard Daniel yawn again and so he remained quiet. A minute later soft snores moved into the air.

  As he listened to the rhythmic sounds of his breathing, Sander’s eyes closed. He smiled as he thought about his sister. She’d turned out pretty well despite their rough start in life. She’d married young to a neighborhood geek who was into computers. That guy was now making millions with a string of computer stores throughout the States.

  His sister seemed very happy with her three kids. The last time they’d spoken she’d told him he would be an uncle again. He couldn’t wait to introduce Daniel to Sarah, Mike and the kids. He was sure they would all love Daniel. Just as much as he did.

  He slept.

  * * * * *

  As Daniel drifted upward from the layers of sleep cocooning him, he could feel the hunger for more sex with Sander growing inside him. He ached to have him in his arms again. To touch every muscular line on his body. To have Sander holding him, cuddling and whispering that what they were sharing was more than attraction, more than need—it was love. Finally he couldn’t take the ache any longer and awoke on a strangled sigh. His balls were hard. His cock swollen and taut, angled up toward his belly. The sheets rubbing against his flesh weren’t making it easy on him.

  A strong scent of garlic wafted through the room. It mixed with other food scents such as cheese and strong coffee. His mouth watered and his stomach growled. Madilyn was back.

  He’d expected to find Sander asleep in the bed with him but his side of the bed was empty. Disappointment whispered over him. Had he had second thoughts and left for the States? That thought speared panic into him like a knife blade and he whipped aside the sheets and stumbled out of bed.

  “What’s your hurry?” Sander asked from the dinette area.

  Daniel caught sight of him reclining leisurely on the small sofa. He was naked, perched on a throw and hugging his knees up against his chest. He had a good growth of dark whiskers shadowing his chin and cheeks. It was very sexy. He looked good enough to eat.

  Sander shifted and Daniel studied the powerful line of muscles twitching in his thigh. He enjoyed the curve of the doctor’s rock-hard ass and his breath caught at the sight of the large black base of the butt plug.

  “You’re staring. I’m assuming that’s a good thing?” Sander chuckled. He didn’t wait for an answer but nodded toward the intimate table for two.

  Daniel did a double take as he spied a single red rose dipped in a crystal vase set in the middle of the table. An abundance of fruits were perched on a triple-decker hors d’oeuvres tray, along with a gold carafe of steaming coffee, mini croissants and a platter of…pizza. Yes! Madilyn’s famous pizza. His favorite.

  He could tell by the colorful arrangement and the scrumptious scents that the pizza would contain pieces of lobster marinated in cognac and smoked Canadian pink salmon basted with champagne. The entire dish was covered in multiple layers of vine-ripened tomato sauce, white truffles, an assortment of cheeses—including delicious moose milk cheese—topped with edible 24-karat gold flakes.

  Despite his hunger and excitement, alarm raced through him as well. “What time is it?”

  Daniel’s tummy did a most magnificent roller-coaster dip as Sander grinned. Gosh, the man had an incredibly sexy smile.

  “Two o’clock in the afternoon. Do you always sleep in this late? If so it’s kind of hard to believe you’d acquire a fortune by sleeping the day away.”

  Daniel shook his head. “I haven’t slept in this late since I was a kid. Where did all this food come from? I must have been sleeping like the dead. I didn’t hear anything.”

  “Wish that I could take the praise but Madilyn came back. I heard the jet at the break of dawn and then about an hour ago she knocked on the door. You didn’t so much as budge so I thought it might be impolite not to answer. I warned her I was in here and I told her to enter. She didn’t seem the least surprised to see me in your room. She asked if it was okay to set the table. So I said sure.”

  Daniel laughed. “And you sat there on the couch naked?”

  Horror splashed over Sander’s face. “Good grief, what do you take me for? A wanton? No, actually I was still in bed with you and when she came back with the food just a few minutes ago. I threw the covers up over my head and pretended to be sleeping until she was gone. The last thing I want is for Madilyn to be uncomfortable in her own house so I thought I’d keep a low profile and not embarrass her further at finding a guy in bed with her employer.”

  Yeah, he’d latched on to a keeper in Sander. He was considerate with Madilyn. For them to get along with each other right from the start was very important.

  “Her pizza is to die for,” Daniel said. He grabbed for his robe and before he could put it on Sander motioned with a shake of his head for him to leave it off.

  Excitement at the prospect of more hot-and-heavy sex with Sander had Daniel’s breath backing up into his lungs.

  “The pizza scent is killing me but your scent is killing me even more,” Sander whispered. He turned himself on the sofa, dropped his feet onto the floor and gave Daniel a view of his very stiff dick.

  “Whoa, you’re just as bad off as I am,” Daniel chuckled. His mouth watered at the thought of taking his engorged erection into his mouth.

  “I wanted to wake you up but after last night I figured the rest would do your heart some good.”

  The doctor’s concern gave him a good feeling. It was nice to know how much Sander cared for him. Really nice.

  Suddenly Sander’s gaze turned serious.

  “As I was sitting here watching you sleep, I realized it was my heart that needed some resting too. It’s so peaceful here. So far away from everything. I’ve been going nonstop for years with working through med school and then as a resident and finally as a doctor. I barely had a day off because I felt guilty that someone might need me. Now being here with you, it just feels so normal to unwind. I don’t think I have ever felt so relaxed in my life.”

  Sander was a workaholic just like him. Daniel understood the feeling of guilt, although for him it was the thought of not accumulating wealth and going hungry again like when he was a kid that kept him working at a frantic pace. It was a habit they needed to break or they’d end up dead sooner rather than later.

  Rare emotion slammed into Daniel. The thought of not growing old with Sander made his chest tighten and he needed a moment of distraction before Sander saw how deeply his words affected him. He strolled over to the pizza and shoveled some onto two plates.

  “Oh man, Madilyn made
her famous pizza using her potato crust. You are going to love this. Oh and I hope you like garlic?”

  “Love it. And I won’t shy away from garlic kisses either.” Sander winked.

  “Then we’d better hurry up and start eating.” Daniel grabbed the plates, padded over to Sander and sat down beside him. He placed the plates on the table in front of them but before Sander could get to his food Daniel leaned over and kissed him.

  Sander growled as their mouths melted together. As Daniel’s lips moved possessively over Sander’s, the hunger for sex within him surged to an almost intolerable craving. He wanted Sander to fuck his ass but he pushed away the momentary loss of self-control and broke the kiss.

  “Pizza first,” Daniel urged as he replied to Sander’s questioning stare. He tried to shake off the selfish thoughts of anal sex. Last night in the shower he had told Sander he would wait until Sander was anally prepared. But just the thought of Sander’s tight muscles clamping around his engorged shaft made him heady.

  “Hurry and try some. I need my garlic kisses,” Daniel whispered.

  Sander grinned and lifted his plate to inspect his cheese-covered slice.

  “It looks delicious.”

  “You look delicious.” Daniel took a big bite out of his own piece. Succulent cheese and an array of other magnificent flavors exploded against his taste buds.

  Beside him Sander made an impressive sensual sound that teased Daniel’s awareness as he chowed down his pizza.

  “You like?” Daniel asked as he watched Sander take another bite. He didn’t answer. His eyes closed and he moaned, making the blood purr through Daniel’s veins.

  Sander just kept on eating. In a flash he was finished.

  “Seconds? And a coffee?” he asked. He stood and strolled back to the dinette table, giving Daniel a great view of his rock-hard ass. His cock clenched with anticipation and he moaned softly at his reaction.

  “I’m being tossed over for another slice of pizza?” Daniel growled. “Where the hell is my garlic kiss?”