Cowboys for Christmas Read online

Page 5

  Yeah, she was really pretty with that mane of dark-brown hair and sweet breasts that pushed against a blouse that seemed almost too tight for her. Suddenly, he got the feeling that she’d been here forever. He shook his head. Now he knew for sure he was being stupid.

  They all fell silent and gazed at JJ, who smiled back at them as she hurried to the stove.

  “Gentlemen, dinner is served.”

  * * * * *

  Dinner conversation was robust. To her surprise JJ enjoyed serving the men. She loved how easygoing they were and how wonderfully they interacted with each other and spoke about their cattle and the plans for the ranch.

  They were like a well-oiled machine. Each man had his own duties and each recounted what they’d done during the day. They spoke about problems they’d encountered and how to solve them or what needed to be done to resolve them.

  They were very polite when they addressed her and they were sure to include her by asking her opinions. She truly felt as if she belonged here. It was better than any dream she could ever have come up with.

  Despite a rough introduction, everything was turning out to be perfect and she hadn’t even been here twenty-four hours!

  * * * * *

  Dan liked the way JJ fit in here. She’d caught on fast when they’d shown her where everything was located. She’d made great sandwiches at lunch, and she’d insisted they each eat an apple afterward. She hadn’t so much as complained as to how desolate it was here, like the other women who’d been here.

  She actually appeared to be enjoying it here. Her cheeriness couldn’t be faked. He would have thought with her being in prison, she might have needed some adjustment time, especially if she was on those meds they’d found.

  But as she served dinner—albeit leftovers—she placed the dishes onto the table with ease and confidence. She was a natural. She belonged here. If Brady brought up the subject of getting rid of her, he would protest and loudly.

  From the smile Brady was toting and the grin flirting at the edges Rafe’s lips, he doubted he would hear any objections from either of the men. Somewhere between her sitting down at the table to eat with them and her getting up to bring them dessert—which turned out to be whipped chocolate pudding in huge mugs—he realized he wanted this gorgeous woman in his life.

  And he didn’t mean in an employer-employee relationship. He wanted more. A whole hell of a lot more.

  Chapter Four

  She reminded Rafe of a little stray kitten.

  Last night, when she’d shown up, she’d been lost and out of her element. Today, she appeared confident, happy, and had blossomed into one hell of a sexy woman.

  At dinner, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He had to force himself to concentrate on what Brady and Dan were talking about. When it had been his turn to make a report of his day’s work, he’d barely managed to keep himself from bragging at how much work he’d done in transporting hay to the south meadow via the snowmobile and sled to the young free-range Angus cattle that roamed there. The beef were already well-formed and well-insulated with fat. After a good spring and summer, they would bring top dollar as organic beef in the fall.

  He enjoyed JJ’s curiosity. She asked questions about how they got the cattle to market and he explained they did good old-fashioned cattle drives through forests. There were plenty of rivers for water and lots of green areas, which had been forests. Due to clear-cutting by lumber barons who hadn’t replanted, lush meadows thrived in the north country.

  Those meadows, rivers and lakes were used for food and drink for the cattle and replenished any weight they would lose during the drive. The cattle were driven to a railway about a hundred miles south of the ranch house. He was glad she didn’t grimace or say she felt sorry for the cattle when he mentioned they went via rail to a slaughterhouse and then they were prepared for their special brand of organic beef.

  The ranch was their way of life and that’s just the way it was with beef cattle. There were plenty of people who swore that their free-range Northern Ontario beef tasted the juiciest on a barbecue grill and they had the robust sales to prove it.

  Yeah, she was a really good fit for them and he couldn’t wait for Jenna to start picking up her phone so he could thank her for a one hell of a good Christmas gift.

  * * * * *

  Brady tried like hell to keep his mind focused on what the two other men were saying regarding business. But his mind just kept wandering to JJ and what her succulent scent was doing to his cock. Several times, he’d shifted his ass on the chair to loosen his jeans, which were suddenly way too tight.

  He noted the guys were paying attention to her every move, just as he’d been doing. Thankfully, though, they didn’t make idiots out of themselves by going all doe-eyed on her and the meal went relatively smoothly. Desert was damn delicious. Chocolate pudding had never tasted so good and he had some mighty fine visions of licking pudding off her nipples and then dabbing some onto her clit and licking it off as he went down on her.

  Maybe one day…

  * * * * *

  After supper, JJ ushered the guys out of the kitchen so she could clean up. They retreated to the adjoining living room, where they quickly began playing cards. Their laughter and loud whoops when one lost or won made her smile. When she’d finished with the dishes and cleaned up, she’d excused herself and retreated to her room, not wanting to intrude on their fun.

  She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting cross-legged here on the queen-sized bed relishing the rustic red and brown decor, but she still couldn’t believe she’d been given such a beautiful room. She kept resisting the urge to pinch herself for fear she would actually wake up and discover that coming here had all been a dream.

  Not more than forty-eight hours ago she’d been in a prison cell, locked behind bars, expecting to be there for at least another ten years. Early that the morning, just after breakfast, she’d been summoned to the warden’s office. The warden had asked JJ if she still wanted to be a part of the Freedom Run Project. JJ had said yes.

  She’d been shocked to discover there was an opening available. She’d almost forgotten she’d applied for a spot more than a year ago, when rumor had drifted through the ranks that such a project had just been newly formed.

  She’d immediately gone to the warden, who had given her an application form to fill out. She’d been warned that it could take years. Maybe even never. But she’d put in her name anyway.

  There had been an emergency parole hearing that same day, totally unheard of by her prison mates. She’d been stunned when they said yes. She’d been denied parole already twice.

  And here she was in this beautiful bedroom with fresh rusty-colored sheets and comforters, a large bed with a gorgeous pine headboard and matching pine furniture.

  She loved the setup of this house. Her room had its own bathroom and shower. They’d given her the bedroom closest to the stairs which would allow her to sneak out down in the morning to get the day started. She already had all the chores planned out in her head as she sat in the middle of her queen-sized bed, staring at the rustic decor and immersing herself in the flattering shades of reds and browns.

  Her suitcases sat at the foot of her bed, open but unpacked from when she’d quickly gone through them this morning to find something suitable to wear after showering.

  Whoever had purchased the clothing and necessities had bought everything one size too small. So her clothing was a bit snug. But she didn’t care. She was free.

  A knock at the door had her telling whomever was there to come on in. She hadn’t even thought to get up off the bed. Hadn’t even thought to go to the door and open it herself.

  The door opened and Brady stood there. He didn’t come in. He looked a bit hesitant, maybe even shy.

  “You forgot your purse. I thought you might need it.” He dropped it on the chair that sat right beside the open doorway.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” She had forgotten that she’d brought it downstairs a
fter she’d showered because she’d thought she’d needed to keep her meds close. Just in case. Surprisingly, she hadn’t even remembered them.


  She thought he would leave but when he continued to stand there and stare at her, she realized he had something else he wanted to say. Perhaps he’d seen the meds? The purse was open.

  “I have claustrophobia. I don’t handle plane rides well or anything that confines me. That’s why I have prescription pills,” she confessed.

  Although she had explained her problem to him earlier today, he still appeared surprised.

  “Did you get that problem because you were in prison? Being in a cell would probably do a number on most people.”

  She hesitated, not wanting to go into it. But then she quickly decided he should know the truth. Or at least a bit of it.

  “Actually, no. I had that problem before I went in.” She wished she could say more, but it had been such a lovely day, she didn’t want to end it by bringing up awful memories of what had happened with her stepfather. He’d been a cop with a discipline complex. Anytime she did something wrong, he’d beat her and lock her in a dark basement closet as punishment. That was when she’d begun to have her anxiety and claustrophobia issues. At first her mother had vehemently protested the abuse, but too many beatings from her new husband had quietened her.

  When Brady didn’t ask any further questions, she quickly changed the subject.

  “How long have you three lived here?”

  “Seven years,” he answered with a smile. She’d noticed earlier that he enjoyed talking about his ranch and the furniture they’d made.

  “And you guys don’t get lonely?” Oh dear, where had that question come from?

  “I mean, I’m assuming there aren’t any close neighbors. No places to go out and dance or socialize or…”

  He suddenly looked a bit irritated. Maybe even disappointed?

  “You’re making the place sound like a prison cell. If you don’t think you’ll be happy here…”

  Panic rocked her. Did he want her gone?

  “Oh my gosh. No, please don’t get the wrong idea. I love this place. I love the snowstorm and the wilderness. Everything is so beautiful.” She waved her hands at the room. “I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful room.”

  To her surprise, he grinned.

  Sweet shivers scrambled up her spine. She loved the sensual curve of his lips. Loved that he seemed pleased that she liked it here.

  “Listen, if you can’t take the solitude, please let me know. My sister can find you another placement and then you wouldn’t have to go back to prison. So please don’t say you like it here because you may be afraid you have to go back there.”

  Oh wow, he could read her like a book.

  “Seriously, I do love it here. I would like it if you guys would give me a try.”

  He nodded.

  “Okay then. In case the guys didn’t tell you, we shut the generators off to consume electricity at nine. If you want to keep the lights on, there are oil lamps and matches.” He nodded to a pine shelf with two oil lamps.

  “Just keep them away from the blankets and don’t fall asleep with them on. And if you need a flashlight, there’s one in the nightstand beside your bed.”

  “Thanks for the warning on the lights.”

  “Oh, and about the fireplace…” He strolled into her room and headed to the fireplace. Gosh, he had big shoulders. He made her bedroom suddenly seem as if it was much smaller, but in a nice cozy kind of way.

  “I’ll get the fire going, so you’ll be nice and toasty for a few hours. But it’ll be chilly come morning. I turn the generators on at five. We usually have breakfast around five thirty and we’re out the door by six. Lunch is usually around eleven and supper at four. I gets dark early during the winter months.”

  “Good to know. Breakfast will be ready at five thirty.” Goodness, they were early risers.

  She fell silent as she observed how he scrunched up a piece of paper, set some small pieces of kindling on top, then lit the fire. Orange flames quickly consumed the wood. Then he placed several bigger pieces of firewood on top. He used the same technique as Dan had today while starting the living room fire in the fireplace.

  “When the fire gets further along, toss on a couple of split logs. Think you can handle it?”

  “I’m no Girl Scout, but I think I can handle it.”

  “If you need help, just knock on your wall. Rafe’s room is on the other side. Or call Dan. He’s across the hall. Or come and get me.”

  “Sure, thanks.” She doubted she would bother any of them. She wanted to become as independent as possible to prove to them and herself she was a good employee.

  He strolled toward the door.


  He turned. “Yes?”

  “When do you think we can get that Christmas tree?”

  He smiled again. Gosh, she just loved his smile.

  “We’ll fit it in. Most likely by this weekend. We’ll take out the snowmobiles and hunt for one.”

  Snowmobiles? Awesome! She’d never been on one before.

  “Okay, see you at breakfast.” His tone had turned brisk and businesslike again.

  “Got it. I forgot to ask. Do you want me to pack you a lunch or will you be coming in for lunch?”

  He hesitated, appearing shy again.

  “I’ll be in for lunch. Good night,” he said a moment later.

  “Good night.”

  He nodded and then closed the door softly behind him.

  She let out a huge sigh of relief.

  Oh my gosh! She wasn’t sure why he made her so nervous and so aware of him. She just hoped she didn’t have any more hot ménage dreams like she’d had just before waking this morning. If she did, she would find it incredibly difficult to keep her mind on the job. She really wanted this job, because these three guys were as close to family life she’d experienced in a long time.

  * * * * *

  Brady exhaled a slow breath as he quietly walked away from JJ’s bedroom. Finding her sitting cross-legged on her bed, looking totally at ease, as if she belonged here, had shot a powerful jolt of want through him.

  Man, he’d never reacted this scorching way to a woman. So out of control with thoughts of wanting to have sex with her. Only her. No other woman.

  Damn. How the hell was he going to handle this need?

  They knew several ladies who enjoyed ménages. He could call one of them. But those women didn’t hold a candle to the way he felt around JJ.

  He should go and talk to Dan and Rafe and put out feelers for their reactions to her, but he decided against it. His confession would only bring another round of teasing from Dan and too many questions from Rafe.

  He’d deal with this problem on his own. At least for now.

  * * * * *

  Rafe lay in bed and listened to Brady’s footsteps walk away from JJ’s bedroom. He’d heard them speaking and wondered what had dared Brady to go to her bedroom.

  Man, he’d been trying to find a reason to see her and he’d come up with plenty of them, but he’d chickened out. It was her second night here, and he wondered how in the world he would be able to sleep with her lying in a bed right on the other side of his bedroom wall.

  Normally, he didn’t go to sleep this early. Neither did Dan. But due to the storm and the electricity being down, he knew lights were out at nine. Since it was Brady’s turn to take generator duties this time around, Rafe had opted to tuck himself in early and do a bit of sexual release work. He figured Dan and Brady would be doing their own thing tonight too.

  They’d have to be inhuman if they didn’t respond to a sexy chick like JJ.

  He turned off his bedside lamp, slipped his hands beneath his blankets and wrapped his fingers around his swollen, aching shaft.

  * * * * *

  Arousal coursed through JJ and she opened her eyes fully aware that someone was in the bedroom with her. Firelight rippled roma
ntically on the walls and ceiling and she gasped softly when she spied Brady, Rafe and Dan. They stood beside each other, in a row, at the foot of her bed, gazing down at her. They wore cowboy hats and nothing else. Muscles rippled over their naked bodies. Each man held his engorged cock in his hand, and each stroked his swollen length with long fingers.

  Awareness zinged through her. She hadn’t realized the comforters had been pulled off her. Her legs were spread wide, her hand was between her thighs, and she leisurely stroked the small, ultra-sensitive bud of her clit.

  Oh my gosh, was she having a dream? Or were they really here?

  “Is everything all right?” she whispered.

  “We want to make love to you,” Brady whispered.

  Excitement jolted through her. She creamed and her fingers moved quicker over her clit.

  “We can’t stop thinking about you,” Rafe growled.

  She reached up and smoothed her hand over her breasts. Her fingers found a nipple and she pinched it until it hardened and grew sweetly painful and then she moved to her other nipple, doing the same.

  “Don’t tease us like this, JJ.” Dan’s voice was raspy and rough.

  “You guys are the one teasing me,” she breathed.

  She blew out a tense breath as they continued staring at her and stroking their engorged cocks. JJ’s breathing grew quicker as she rubbed her breasts and massaged her moist clit. Frustrated pleasure swept through her.

  The men were off limits. Look, but don’t touch. Fantasize, but don’t fuck.

  Wicked heat flared through her as each of their cocks swelled and lengthened in front of her. They looked so hot wearing nothing but their cowboy hats. She wanted to touch their muscles and feel their hardness flex beneath her fingers.

  She craved to wrap her hands around each of their shafts and take a cock into her mouth, another one into her pussy and yet another one into her ass. The intense ache deep inside her increased. She yearned to be possessed by them.

  She arched her hips and moaned at the visions of being triple-penetrated. Swollen, thick shafts sinking deep inside of her. Hot flesh slapping against her trembling body. Guttural moans of arousal splashing through her bedroom.