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Sexual Release Page 3

  At that thought, Mica blew out a quick breath and watched his strong biceps ripple as he sifted through the diamond discs before pressing one onto the player. Soft music enveloped the air. The lyrics melted over her tired senses and relaxed her. She closed her eyes, moaned as pleasure-pain zipped through her nipples from Nathan One’s ministrations, and listened to the delicate sex noises sifting through her bedroom from the player.

  The soft cries of a woman in the throes of an orgasm splashed over her. It mingled with delicate musical flutes and the gurgling of a creek. Another delicious smell wafted through the air mingling with the clone’s smell and she knew the Scenter had been turned on. He had picked the scrumptious aroma of fire berries. The fingernail-sized berries grew in intimate palm-sized clumps at the top of the nearby Crystal Mountains behind her castle and smelled sweet and always made her heart pound with delightful excitement.

  Reaching down, she sailed her hands through Nathan One’s soft hair as he played with her nipples. She loved the velvety feel of his strands brushing against her fingertips and she moved his head toward her right breast. When he placed his exquisite, hot mouth over her nipple and began a powerful sucking motion, she groaned her approval.

  Down by her feet, the bed moved and her eyes popped open. Her breath stilled and heat flooded her face as her gaze locked with Dakota One.

  He was superbly handsome with a faint cleft in a stubborn chin. The intoxicating way he looked at her made her body hum.

  His hands settled between her thighs and he pried her legs apart. In a rushing wave of lust, the ravages of desire cascaded over her.

  “We will arouse you as you’ve never been aroused before, my princess,” he said softly.

  His hands left her thighs and settled over each of her ankles. To her surprise, he hoisted her legs over his broad shoulders, leaving her ass up in the air and her pussy fully exposed and only inches from his face.

  Oh my! She couldn’t recall fantasizing about being in such an erotic position before.

  She stilled as his head lowered between her spread legs. His breath caressed her ultra-sensitive clitoris, making her want him so badly she ached. She felt hot. Too hot. And he smelled so good—a musky and delicious masculine odor that made her heady.

  Inhaling his scent, she quivered as hot chills scrambled through her. Wiggling her hips, she urged him to touch her privates.

  “You have a beautiful pussy. A beautiful pussy fit for a beautiful woman,” he said as he stared at her. His dark green eyes were filled with emotion. Lust. Tenderness. Need.

  She found herself smiling at his compliment. She jerked as Nathan One bit softly into her nipple, reminding her she had a clone suckling at her breast. He licked and slurped his wet tongue over the bite and the burden of pain zipped away.

  Dakota One’s tongue seared between her labia and the flaming touch made her cry out.

  He began a rough, erotic lap against her sensitive clit. He licked and sucked, making her pussy cream with wetness.

  She became aware of the other one moving his mouth to her left breast. The noises of their combined suckling, the feeling of their eager mouths upon her body, struck a line of fire from her breast to her vagina. Her thighs tightened. She dug her heels into the back of Dakota One’s broad shoulders, her hands tangling in Nathan One’s hair, holding him firmly at her breast.

  Her eyelids grew heavy and she could barely see Dakota One’s head buried between her widespread legs. He lapped quicker, firmer, tossing her into a splintering orgasm. A couple of his fingers slipped inside her soaked vagina and he began a divine pumping motion. Hard and oh-so-gratifyingly fast. She rocked her hips, riding his fingers, urging a deeper penetration.

  Shivers raced through her. Her vagina clenched around him, her wet heat slurping with his every plunge. She shuddered and convulsed, loving the pleasure waves as they ripped her apart and she quickly became lost in a world devoid of control.

  So joyously lost.

  Chapter Two

  “Okay, we can talk now,” Dakota whispered as he motioned for Nathan to follow him to the other side of her bedroom.

  After her orgasm, she’d fallen asleep. If she hadn’t, he would have been plunging his rock-hard cock in and out of her right now. He would be spilling his seed, staking his claim.

  “I hope you aren’t going to kill me for sucking on your woman’s breasts.” Nathan grinned as he leisurely stroked his own solid, thick erection.

  His cock was perfect. Thick and swollen. Long and hard. It stuck straight out from his body and Dakota knew Mica would enjoy Nathan’s shaft when she woke.

  “What makes you think she’s my woman?” he replied gruffly, suddenly irritated with the thought that Mica might not want Dakota or his friend. Especially since it seemed she was a dominating woman, easily tossing around commands, even more so than when she was eight.

  But he would tame her. It might not happen as quickly as he wanted due to their deception, but he would bring her to heel.

  “Any ideas as to what we do now?”

  “We keep pretending we are her clones,” Dakota answered.

  “She’s not going to be pleased with us for fooling her into thinking we’re just a couple of clones,” Nathan replied thoughtfully.

  “It will serve her right for using clones that look like us. She’s obviously been experimenting with her father’s Clone Creator and the DNA samples her father took from us when we came to Azar,” Dakota mused.

  “I would think that’s a good thing.” Nathan chuckled.

  “Do you honestly think she’ll give us the opportunity to get to know her more intimately if she knows who we really are? She’s a princess. To her, we’re considered to be the sons of her father’s servants. She may not allow us to get close to her if she knows we are humans. Even if she has made replicas of us to alleviate her sexual needs, for her, the clones are just that—clones to use as she wishes. And if she’s been living here all this time, she may still be abiding the law that an Azarian is forbidden to love humans.”

  His friend chuckled. “If I know you, Dakota, you will give her no choice but to love us.”

  “I want her begging, Nathan. I want her to want me. To want us despite our station on this planet and in her mind. I want her to remember we are equals.”

  * * * * *

  Mica came awake to the scent of soothing lemongrass and in a flash remembered her first orgasm.

  Tingles of excitement rolled over her at the memories of the magnetic green-eyed gaze of Dakota One as he hung her legs over his shoulders and of Nathan One biting her nipples, releasing incredible pleasure-pain.

  Had it all been a dream?

  How long had she slept? She hadn’t slept so hard in years. If ever.

  Stretching her legs, she winced at the tenderness erupting between her thighs. Oh yes, the sex had been real. Very real indeed.

  Lifting the sheets, she gazed down at her red nipples. They were tight and swollen from Nathan’s teeth.

  She stopped herself. No, not Nathan. A clone. Yet it seemed as if he were alive in this clone’s body.

  The Dakota look-alike seemed most real too.

  At the gentle sound of a noise at the bedroom doorway, she looked over to find the black-haired one watching her, his hands laden with a tray of dishes. Her face heated with excitement.

  Breakfast in bed? This clone was a keeper!

  The other one suddenly appeared in the doorway behind him. Both their hot gazes shook her to her very soul. She responded immediately. Her nipples came erect. Her clit dropped and swelled, eager to be touched. She wanted them touching her. Wanted both their cocks pummeling into her.

  She sought to control her trembling hands as she pressed the sheets self-consciously around her and struggled into a seated position.

  Why was she reacting this way? Why was she so willing to be fucked by her clones yet oddly shy at the same time? She struggled against the sexual haze wrapping firmly around her body and couldn’t come up with any

  “Why do you affect me so much?” she snapped, angry with herself for being so complacent and unable to think more clearly. It seemed whenever the two gazed upon her or came near her, her brain fogged with sensual need and nothing else seemed to matter.

  The two cast quick looks at each other before focusing back to her. Dakota One moved closer with the tray.

  “Do you wish another orgasm before breakfast?” he asked, ignoring her question. The softness lacing his voice drew her to him like a magnet, making her forget what she’d just been angry about. His scent smoothed over her skin, sending her nerve endings into a sexual awareness mode. Heat and excitement once again shimmered through her and she found herself panting as he lifted the lid off a crystal dish. Her mouth watered at the sensuous aromas and colorful arrangement of food.

  “Green turtle eggs from the mountains surrounding your castle. Wild yellow potatoes drenched in red cranberry sauce and white ostrich milk for a drink.”

  “I haven’t had these since I was a child,” she replied in wonderment, and found herself surveying the clone a little closer, noting the very smooth muscles that laced his shoulders. She remembered exactly how strong those shoulders felt as her legs hung over them while he’d eaten her pussy earlier.

  “Are you not hungry for food, Princess?” The softness in the Dakota look-alike’s voice disappeared, replaced with heavy lust.

  Oh dear. He was just as hot and horny as she was.

  “I think I’d like the both of you to entertain me while I eat,” she purred, loving the warm heat swarming her body again. Not to mention she was famished. She began scooping the steaming food onto a plate.

  She’d need food. Lots of it to keep her energy high so she could keep up with their fucking. And boy, did she need a good fucking!

  They made a move toward her, their erections already growing beautifully.

  “No, not me,” she breathed harshly. “I wish for you to touch each other.”

  They both halted.

  “Pleasure each other,” she demanded, feeling the exquisite blade of lust sift hotter through her.

  Lust only human males should be making an Azarian woman feel. The thought disintegrated as amusement flashed in Dakota One’s eyes. Eyes so much like Dakota’s had been. Bold. Fiery. Sparkling with life.

  “As you wish, Princess,” he whispered.

  “Wait. Before you continue, I wish to tell you your names.” She may as well enjoy her fantasy. “Remember these names as they belong to you until you die. Nathan One, you will from now on be called Nathan. Dakota One, you will be called Dakota. Continue,” she ordered with a wave of her hand, and dug into her breakfast.

  Dakota could wring her beautiful neck. Surely he could. He was desperate to fuck her. His cock ached with wanting. His balls felt near to exploding and she picked now to have them entertain her in this way? And Nathan was feeling just as ready, he was sure.

  “Is there a problem, Dakota One, er, I mean, Dakota?” she asked thickly from her perch on the bed where she licked the red cranberry sauce from her lush pink lips, obviously enjoying her meal.

  The seductive way the sheets were wrapped around her succulent body, barely concealing the swell of her breasts, made him groan inwardly.

  “No problem, my princess,” Dakota replied as he reached out to pinch Nathan’s nipples. They beaded immediately, knowing Dakota’s touch well.

  In the slave camps, the Azarian tradition of open sex between the opposite and same sex continued. Dakota and Nathan had seen public sex in the castle when they’d lived there. They were used to it. So it was natural for them to eventually turn to each other for pleasure as well. He just never imagined he would actually be having sex with Nathan in front of Mica!

  “Good. Continue.”

  While they touched each other, Dakota snuck peeks at Mica. As she watched them, sexual hunger flooded her face and it almost brought him to his knees. The need to fuck her rode him so hard he could barely concentrate on the task at hand.

  He would give her the show she fancied, but afterward, she would be begging him to enter her, giving her the pleasure she craved.

  Dakota raked his fingers through Nathan’s velvety brown hair. It was almost shoulder length. A bit mussed, as if he had just climbed out of bed from a good, hard night of sex. His face was flushed with excitement as Dakota leaned in and kissed him.

  His friend’s mouth felt warm and Dakota’s nerve endings sparked as Nathan’s tongue slipped between his lips. The muscles in his abdomen clenched as Nathan’s solid erection pressed against his thigh and he began a slow, seductive rub against him.

  Nathan wrapped his fingers around Dakota’s scrotum. He groaned at the hot touch and pushed himself against his friend, needing more stimulation.

  Nathan deepened their kiss.

  Dakota’s breaths came harsher, quicker. His hand slid from Nathan’s head and dropped to his broad shoulders so he could steady himself.

  Every nerve ending in his cock and balls sparkled with fire as Nathan’s fingers massaged his swollen sac. He was so close to coming but he held himself back, wanting to prolong the show for Mica.

  Nathan let go of his balls, wet a finger with his saliva then slipped his finger along Dakota’s sensitive perineum, nudging into his tight ass. The expert finger twisted past his sphincter, bringing an explosion of fullness. Further gentle prodding and his anal muscles loosened, allowing a deeper penetration. He gasped when Nathan found his prostate. He stroked and massaged the sensitive area until Dakota grew dizzy from the onslaught of sensations.

  He could feel his pending orgasm grow. It built with lightning speed and he knew he’d explode in just a few seconds.

  “Stop!” Mica’s command sliced through Dakota like a knife. Nathan’s finger stilled then slowly pulled out.

  Reluctantly they broke the kiss and both men breathed heavily with excitement.

  Damn her!

  He turned to see her on the bed. The sheets were off her body. Her breasts now bared to them. Her legs were spread wide, giving him a breathtaking view of her plump pussy.

  His mouth watered as he remembered the sweet taste of her cunt.

  “It’s my turn,” she whispered hoarsely.

  Their gazes connected in an explosion and Dakota’s breath halted in his throat. He literally could not breathe as he suddenly realized she was too beautiful for him.

  She was a princess.

  He was a human.

  According to her people’s law, the three of them should not be together. He should have been destined a lowly servant to royalty.

  But he wanted to be more. So much more. He ached to tell her the truth. Tell her he was not a clone but a man. Her man.

  As she stared at him, her fingers slid between her pussy lips. She began an erotic rub over her swollen clit. He could smell her sex scent from here. Could just about drown in the sweetness. He continued to watch the slow, languid strokes of her finger until it made his teeth clench together in frustration.

  He wanted to go to her, to push his cock into her tight pussy, but Nathan’s fingers wrapped around his elbow, preventing him from doing what he craved.

  “She’ll get suspicious,” he warned.

  Nathan was right. He suspected Mica was already suspicious. How could she not be? She was way too horny not to think they may not be clones. But then again, her brain was probably too cloudy from her sexual need to realize the truth.

  When she discovered she’d been duped, she’d be mad.

  Hopefully they could make her fall in love with them before that happened.

  Her pink tongue slipped out between her slightly parted lips. Her pants quickened. Her breasts heaved up and down, jiggling erotically. Her eyelids began to droop. Sweet, feminine whimpers signaled she would soon climax.

  Damned if he would let her do it all on her own.

  Mica whimpered as she kept up the firm, sliding pressure on her clit. Red-hot exhilaration flayed through her as the clones she’d n
amed Nathan and Dakota watched her pleasure herself. While she amused herself, she spied their impressive cocks spear even more boldly from their bodies. The sight made her pulses roar and her body heat to a fevered pitch. She simply could not stop pleasuring herself in their presence!

  As she continued to rub her tender clit, she focused on Dakota’s mouth. It was so well formed. So seductive-looking. The muscles in her lower belly clenched in remembrance of having his mouth slurping her pussy.

  Hot blood coursed through her veins and her finger moved quicker. She moaned and dipped her finger into her drenched channel, collecting more moisture before coming out again, using the wetness as lubricant and rubbing harder.

  She used her free hand to massage her breasts. She loved the smooth, satiny feel of her curves. Adored the pleasure-pain as she tweaked her nipples. Increasing the pressure on her clit, she rubbed harder. A wicked wildness swept in around her. She could smell the scent of her sex hanging heavy in the air.

  She became aware of Dakota as he knelt on the bed beside her. His dark green eyes smoldered. She noticed his long black eyelashes, remembered how much she loved to look at them when she’d been younger. Both Dakota and Nathan had made her feel so safe. Even at the tender age of eight, instincts told her they would be ideal for her future mates. Knew her father’s law forbade it.

  “Permission to kiss my princess,” he whispered. The seductive sound of his voice made lust burst through her. She forgot about pleasuring herself. Reaching up, her hands curled over his strong shoulders, bringing him down onto her. His long body scorched hers. She trembled as the length of his erection pressed against her upper thigh. So hard. So swollen.

  “Permission granted,” she moaned with desperation. His hot mouth came upon hers in a wild, determined kiss. Sensations intoxicated her. She arched against him, wanting more. His fingers seared her flesh as he grabbed her hips.

  A moment later he lifted himself and covered her. As he entered her, she came, exploding on a cry. Immediately she convulsed around his thick, long shaft. He withdrew and thrust deep and hard. Slamming in and out until she was shaking and sweating, moaning shamelessly. His plunges drove her wild. Forced her into the world she’d heard about as a child. Her mother had told her lovemaking would be exquisite with the right mates. But what this Dakota clone was doing to her, the erotic rhythm of his shaft, the desperation in his thrusts, along with the intoxicating way he kissed her, made her pussy grip and suck him so fiercely it seemed like a fantasy instead of reality.