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Sexual Release Page 2

  Sensual heat poured through the length of her vagina making her gasp as she gazed upon his long and thick cock. Beneath his swollen shaft hung his scrotum, two huge, perfectly shaped balls outlined against the sac. The sight of his wonderful assets nearly drove her crazy with a jolt of need.

  Oh my! What an impressive erection!

  “Come to me,” she instructed.

  She watched as he stepped easily from the platform, his stiff cock spearing straight out as he walked confidently toward her. She found herself wanting him to plunge his cock deep into her pussy.

  “Very well done, Nathan One,” she said, feeling a tad breathless. “Your muscle tone seems perfect.”

  Her gaze flew to Dakota One again. To her surprise, he blinked. His eyes were open!

  Gods of Azar! He must have a bit of a delay. Slow reflexes. That would not do well in the bedroom. Or perhaps it might.

  She would check him out later. She returned her attention to the other clone.

  “Nathan One.”

  “Yes, my princess.”

  A giddy anticipation flamed through her.

  “I wish to touch you. Come closer.”

  When he didn’t move, disappointment shot through her. Did he have a reflex problem as well?

  “Did you hear me?” she asked.

  “Yes, my princess,” he rumbled.

  Yet he continued to hesitate.

  Impatience roared through her.

  “Dammit! Are you defective, Nathan One? I said come closer!”

  “My princess appears angry,” the clone said huskily.

  She blinked in surprise. A clone who could read her emotions already? Very nice. “Yes, I’m angry with you. I programmed you to follow my instructions. How can I expect you to perform sexually if I can’t even get you to follow a command?”

  “Perhaps you should come closer to me?”

  The humor flashing in his blue eyes made her still. She tried to remember if she’d installed a sense of humor in this particular clone. She couldn’t seem to remember. Come to think of it, she couldn’t seem to remember much of anything with this sudden overwhelming need for sex.

  “Would you like me to remove your clothing, my princess?” he spoke again. This question thrilled her. The clone was indeed sexually active!

  “Not yet,” she breathed, and found herself stepping closer to him.

  She licked her lips with anticipation as she gazed at the delicious-looking erection. Control, Mica. Control, she chastised herself.

  Despite her insistence that she remain calm, sinful sensations zipped through her body. They wrapped her in a sensual blanket she’d never felt before. Her nipples pressed harder at the soft cloth covering her breasts and her pussy creamed.

  “You approve, my princess,” he asked as his gaze followed hers to his cock.

  It wasn’t a question but a statement.

  “Yes, I do, Nathan One.” Despite something at the back of her mind warning her that clones did not have scents and something was not right with this situation, she found herself easily ignoring the warning bells as she inhaled the smell of strong spice with a hint of perspiration as well as some other delectable scent she could not identify. Whatever it was, he smelled intoxicating and she suddenly could not keep her hands off him!

  Reaching out, she stroked the length of his cock. He groaned tightly, the primal sound increasing her sexual need. Heat seared her fingertips and she enjoyed the velvety feel of his heavy shaft. She smiled with anticipation as it jerked and stiffened even more at her touches.

  “Such a well-hung specimen,” she pondered out loud, and gently squeezed his swollen scrotum.

  A wild growl erupted from the clone. It was a primal sound that sent shivers racing through her. She watched in awe at the veins throbbing along his cock as she continued to stroke him. She noticed a tiny speck of liquid glisten from the slit at the tip of his plum-shaped cock head.

  “Oh my! You react so quickly,” she exclaimed with the utmost delight. His breathing grew faster and labored as she continued to stroke him. His eyes were now closed. Tense muscles in his cheeks spasmed.

  She grinned. Her instincts told her he was enjoying immense pleasure at her touch. Suddenly she knew exactly what he needed.

  Dropping to her knees between the clone’s legs, Mica reached her hands around to his back and she dug her nails into his nice, muscular ass. Then she opened her mouth and slid her lips over his cock head.

  A whiplash of exquisite taste melted through her mouth. She moaned her appreciation as his cock throbbed against her lips. With his glans buried in her mouth, she tongued his slit and tasted the liquid. Salty and strong. Enjoyable.

  Her breath locked in her chest as the clone’s fingers slipped into her hair, holding her head captive.

  “This feels very good, my princess,” he whispered hoarsely.

  His dark blue gaze caught and held hers, warming her heart.

  Such intensity. Such boldness in those eyes. She found herself whimpering with excitement.

  “Are you in pain, my princess?” he said thickly.

  His hands loosened in her hair and she found herself wanting him to hold her head captive again. Wanting him to hold her down, having his way with her. Wanting the other clone to fuck her at the same time!

  She realized she was trembling at the thought of being powerless against the two of them. The strange feelings energized her. Made her pulse pound. Her breasts swelled and grew tight.

  She didn’t answer him. Instead, her lips squeezed around his cock.

  He groaned again and again. The sounds dripping with lust. His hands tightened on her head.

  He thrust his hips, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. Elevated veins slid past her lips. He drove deeper, stopping the instant his cock head hit the back of her throat.

  Then he withdrew and plunged inside her again. His thrusts became hard. Fast.

  She loved the strength powering against her tongue. Loved the guttural sounds he made as she slurped and licked his shaft. All those wicked noises he made filled her with an eagerness to have him pounding into her pussy.

  Digging her fingers deeper into his firm ass, she held tight. Sucked harder. His hips thrust again and again. His cock jerked.

  Suddenly thick, hot liquid shot into her mouth. She swallowed quickly, relishing the smooth way it went down her throat. She hadn’t even realized how thirsty she was. Had never felt so fevered and wild with need.

  Wow! This clone was going to be fun!

  From his perch, Dakota’s breath came hard and fast as he watched Mica go down on Nathan. It was quite the sight. One he’d only been able to fantasize about in his years of captivity when he thought Mica was dead and his home planet of Azar was said to be devoid of beings and well protected by a renegade computer with an efficient security system no one could penetrate.

  After Nathan and he said goodbye to Mica all those years ago, the Invaders captured Nathan and him in the gem caverns below the castle where the entire population of the castle had fled to hide after the Azarian army fell. He’d heard the Earth city had fared worse. Most of the Earthmen and women had fought to their deaths trying to protect their families.

  Many of the younger people had been taken as slaves. The rest killed, including their parents as well as Mica’s father, the king.

  Nathan and he grew to manhood working the mines as slaves on other planets. For years they mulled over ways of escaping their captors. But no chance ever came. What did happen was they were rescued by a band of Earthlings who’d made it their life mission to free victims of the Invaders. After being freed, Nathan and he joined the Rescuers as they were affectionately called themselves. For several years they roamed the galaxies with the growing band, learning how to fight and fly spaceships. Eventually they were able to free many of the Azarians and Earthlings who’d been taken from Azar. These people wished to return to their homeworld and Nathan and Dakota decided to bring them back.

  During the flight to
Azar, Dakota and Nathan sifted through the data embedded deep in their brains. Data they had downloaded with Azar’s Computer Mind Link upon their secret visits with Mica to the royal library when they were children.

  Even at the tender age of ten, Dakota and Nathan knew knowledge was power. They knew the only way to get Princess Mica from her father’s stern clutches and gain her for themselves in the future was to learn everything about Azar and its security systems. Of course Mica had no idea of their intentions. Her confessions of her parent’s computer passwords after sneaking them into the library and on to the Mind Link had been out of innocence and a desperate need for friendship.

  Due to their knowledge of the old security system, Dakota and Nathan had been able to crack the new one, creating a rip in the security blanket surrounding the planet, allowing them to slip through in a pod. Once inside Azarian subspace, they closed the shield behind them. The crack in security would appear as a glitch on the Azarian system. Hopefully the renegade computer would think it was nothing more.

  Infiltrating the castle undetected late last evening; they had wandered the immense building, seeing signs of life but no people. Many of the rooms were clean and in use, including the kitchen, the library and some bedrooms. In one of the bedrooms they’d also discovered personal journals authored by none other than Princess Mica.

  They rejoiced.

  Their beloved princess had somehow survived the Invaders!

  Upon searching for the princess, they found this lab with the two clones as well as lab notes also authored by Princess Mica.

  At the sound of footsteps approaching the lab, they hastily removed the clones who were almost exact identicals of themselves from their respective Creator incubation machines, stashed their bodies behind shelves and taken the naked clones’ places, realizing whoever was approaching would more than likely shoot intruders before asking any questions. Although they were well armed, they also stashed their guns, preferring to meet any occupants of the castle on peaceable terms.

  When Mica entered the lab, wearing nothing but a lightweight white jumper that sweetly hugged her curves, his breath stilled in his lungs and his cock swelled so quickly he had inhaled at the sharp pain.

  The last time he’d seen Princess Mica she was eight years old. Yet he recognized her immediately by her high blushing cheekbones as well as her pretty, angular features. She’d grown into a gorgeous woman.

  Appreciation swept through him to find she wore the gold chain around her neck. The gem of friendship dangled between the curves of her full, ripe breasts. Nathan and he had given it to her before she’d been whisked away to supposed safety all those years ago.

  But why was she alive? He’d been told she’d been killed by the Invaders. Her escape pod shot down.

  Yet she was here.


  Cold dread swept over him. Unless the renegade computer had for some unknown reason reproduced her as a clone?

  As he watched her full, red lips suck Nathan’s cock and listened to the slurping sounds of pleasure she gave so freely, the coldness of doubt disappeared, bringing a heat of desire unlike any he had experienced before.

  She had to be real. No clone generated by the Clone Creator could appreciate a man’s cock this much. An Azarian woman would though. An Azarian woman would instinctively know how to pleasure a man once she hit Sexual Release. And if he had his way, she would be experiencing two cocks filling her and bringing her into orgasmic bliss, making her theirs forever.

  Nathan couldn’t believe Dakota and he had allowed this façade to go this far. And why was Dakota simply watching and not joining them in the exquisite pleasure that Princess Mica gave so freely?

  He trembled following the mind-blowing orgasm. Could barely stand, his legs so weak as Princess Mica continued to suck.

  He found himself zeroing in on his friend’s huge erection.


  Dakota had to be in pain with such a huge hard-on. He’d never seen it so big!

  Nathan lowered his gaze back to his beautiful princess. Honey-blonde hair bounced wantonly as she sucked him dry. A moment later she let his cock go with a pop. Looking up at him, her turquoise eyes sparkled with lust. She licked his glistening liquid from her lips and the sight made his cock stiffen again.

  Amazing. He had never come so hard, nor so quickly in his life. Nor had he become so erect again in such a short time.

  He was definitely going to enjoy keeping up this charade.

  Mica loved the bold way Nathan One watched her as she stood. His predatory eyes were hungry and his cock was already hard again. His eyes the darkest blue, the color of the sapphires the humans cherished and had mined deep within the bowels of her planet. That’s how the human race had been introduced to Azar—they paid her father handsomely to mine the different gems their planet contained.

  He in turn had allowed the humans to create a city far from the castle. The humans brought their mates as well as their children to this planet. Earth children such as Dakota and Nathan.

  A pang of sorrow gripped her as it always did when she thought about losing her friends. Through the years she’d missed them terribly. Wished with all her heart they were somehow alive and somewhere safe.

  She found herself staring into the deep green eyes of the Dakota clone. His eyes were the color of emeralds. So much the same color of Dakota’s. Almost as if he truly were the original being and not a clone produced from the Creator.

  Her breath caught at the muscular terrain lacing his abs and her body ached as she found herself whispering, “Dakota?”

  He said nothing.

  No. Not Dakota. The boy she had secretly loved was probably dead. They were all dead. She would just have to amuse herself with these two and pretend they were the originals.

  “Dakota One and Nathan One, follow me,” she ordered.

  To her surprise, this time Dakota One did not hesitate. With ease, he stepped from his incubator and both followed her.

  She led them from the lab and down a long hallway. Admiring the turquoise and white crystals twinkling along the walls, she remembered the last day she’d been ushered down these same halls toward the escape pod. Once her entourage and she had burst out into the castle yard, Dakota and Nathan had met her with the friendship necklace.

  In remembrance, her fingers drew to the gem around her neck and she traced the figurine of the lion. The necklace and the thought of seeing her friends once again had kept her alive after the Invaders shot down her escape pod. She still couldn’t understand how she’d survived with only minor injuries yet her bodyguards had all perished from their wounds. And why had the Invaders not tracked her down and taken her too? She liked to think that maybe somehow Dakota and Nathan’s necklace had protected her from harm.

  She had desperately clung to the belief the three of them would meet again as they said before she’d left. But when she finally returned to the palace, no one greeted her. No one had survived the Invaders, as the numbers of decapitated bodies attested.

  For weeks she searched for her human friends and didn’t find them. She didn’t know if they had been taken or were among the mutilated dead.

  Mica blinked back the sting of tears and forced her thoughts to her two new playmates.

  Over the years she had created many clones. The earlier ones perished quickly due to errors in her programming. As she weeded out the errors, the clones lived a little longer but still not long enough for her to become too attached to them. These two, however, were exquisite. They made her feel all hot and horny!

  Pushing open her white crystal door, she smiled at finally being in her own cozy bedroom. She’d decorated it herself with the help of her mother. The bed had been carved from emerald-green slate, commissioned from a top carver. Sheer white lace purchased at a shop in the Earth city by her mother was draped in rivers from the four posts.

  Her sheets and blankets were made from the finest white silk. The pillows stuffed with downy feathers of the wild turkeys t
hat inhabited the areas surrounding her castle grounds. She possessed such a beautiful room. A room fit for a princess and her two well-hung clones.

  “Do you both remember all the erotic images and sexual instructions I programmed into you?”

  “Yes, my princess,” both clothes replied simultaneously.

  She tried to ignore the wild excitement washing through her and the trembling of her fingers as she began to undress. She had installed programs into these two via the Creator that would make them sexually active without her having to take the time to teach them. Apparently her programs were working wonderfully for both of them continued to have huge erections as they watched her.

  “I wish to have you both arouse me. I’ll sleep much better after I’ve orgasmed.”

  She didn’t miss their sudden heavy breaths as she let her clothing drop from her body to the floor. The warm sheets melted against her skin as she lay full length on her back upon her double king-size bed and gazed eagerly at her clones.

  “Well? Come on. Arouse me. Make me orgasm so I can sleep,” she ordered.

  The shorter one, the one who she’d made from Nathan’s DNA, came forward immediately.

  Kneeling on the bed beside her, he wasted no time in tweaking and plumping her nipples.

  “Yes, that feels wonderful,” she moaned softly, loving the intoxicating scent his scrumptious body emitted, and for a fleeting moment, wondered yet again why he smelled so sensual. Then the thought vanished as she realized the other clone, the dark-haired one, had not moved to do her bidding.

  She rolled her eyes in utter disappointment. Too bad he couldn’t follow instructions quickly.

  “Would my princess enjoy some erotic music while she is being aroused?”

  The Dakota look-alike’s unexpected question shocked her. Perhaps he wasn’t a defect after all?

  “That would be nice, Dakota One.”

  He strolled toward her music box. The muscles in his ass moved powerfully with his every step and she found herself anticipating having those thick sinewy thighs wrapping around her hips, his cock plunging in and out of her ass or pussy in swift, hard strokes.