Cowboys for Christmas Page 9
Her breaths quickened and she shuddered. She slid her finger into her pussy again and collected warm moisture and withdrew. She massaged harder and harder, moaning as sparks of arousal burst through her. All her inhibitions melted away and she slipped into the pleasure.
Her mind reeled as images of her three cowboys spun through her thoughts. Hard muscles. Taut bodies. Eager mouths kissing her nipples, kissing her belly and licking her pussy.
Sweet shudders wrapped around her. She gyrated and bucked and welcomed the waves of ecstasy. She thrust her fingers repeatedly into her vagina, and rubbed her clit faster and faster, shaking inside the pleasure for as long as she could.
When the pussy spasms slowly ebbed away, JJ smiled.
Wow, that had been an incredible release. Instincts told her that her orgasms would be a hundred times better with her cowboys making love to her.
A soft noise toward her bedroom door made her tense. She opened her eyes and gasped as she caught sight of a silhouette in her bedroom doorway. Whoever stood there wore a cowboy hat.
Oh my gosh! Brady?
“Is everything okay?” she asked as she reached down to grab the covers. How embarrassing. How long had he been standing there watching her masturbating?
“Don’t.” The rough voice belonged to Dan.
She blew out a tense breath and lay back down. She did his bidding and left the covers off, allowing him to see her naked. He remained in the doorway, but she could tell he was also naked. His muscles flexed in the moonlight and a very large and long cock angled up toward his belly.
“Do you understand what the plug means?” he asked in a low voice.
“Yes,” she whispered. Her heart began a fast pound.
“Tell me,” he instructed.
She shivered as a number of naughty scenarios played through her mind.
“All three of you. Whenever you want.” She tossed the last sentence out just to make it clear.
He visibly tensed and for a moment he said nothing.
“And whenever I want,” she added.
She couldn’t believe she’d just given them verbal permission to have sex with her and she’d also showed them her bold side.
“Tomorrow night, it begins. I will be your first cowboy. We will break you in one at a time.”
Break me in.
She nodded jerkily.
He turned and gave her a sweet glimpse of his bare ass.
When he quietly closed the door behind him, she closed her eyes.
Tomorrow night, it begins.
Oh my gosh!
* * * * *
Dan blew out a tense breath as he entered his bedroom. He was so incredibly hard after watching her masturbate that he was going to lose his mind from the tense arousal searing through every inch of him.
She’d looked so hot writhing on the bed with her hips bucking, her legs spread and her hand thrusting between her thighs. He’d been surprised the sheets didn’t catch fire. She looked like a dream girl right out of one of those magazines they kept in the barn.
She had curves in all the right places and her breasts would fit right into his palms. Her nipples looked big and erect and her legs were nice and long. He couldn’t wait to dive between her thighs and get a taste of her.
She was a beautiful woman, and she belonged to them.
Whenever you want, she’d said. Whenever I want.
He hadn’t expected her to say those words. He’d expected some shyness, not a bold naked vixen. That JJ was going to accommodate them in the bedroom was amazing. That he was lusting after her with more than just his body, but with his heart also, was surprising.
He pushed back the urge to march right back in there and bring his body over hers and take her tonight. He wanted to make love to her.
But they all were attracted to her and wanted to share her. He would need to stick to their plan and introduce themselves sexually to her one at a time. She had twenty-four hours to get used to the idea that the two of them would be having sex tomorrow night.
Dan reached down between his legs and grabbed his throbbing shaft. Until he met up with JJ tomorrow night, he would have to take the edge off himself.
Chapter Seven
JJ could barely make it through the day. She wanted to say something to Dan about his visit last night. Wanted to tell the guys that she cared deeply for each of them and that she wanted them to remain friends despite this newly forming relationship, but their heated looks just about drove her crazy. It was as if they were all undressing her with their eyes. To tell the truth, she was doing the same to them.
Especially Dan. She’d been fantasizing about him and his big cock and all the yummy muscles she’d spied on him last night. She’d barely slept, tossing and turning while thinking about tonight.
The day dragged on while she did her duties. She cooked and cleaned frantically to keep busy and her mind off tonight.
When she decided to turn in earlier than usual, she called out a goodnight to the men. They acted perfectly normal while seated at the dining room table playing cards. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected. Maybe Dan following her up the stairs to her room? Or one of the guys commenting about the way their relationship was turning?
A sharp edge of neediness whispered through her as fifteen minutes later she stepped out of the shower. Things were changing so fast, she felt off balance. Everything seemed surreal. Was she doing the right thing in having accepted that plug? Had she just lost a chance at all three men because she’d given in so easily and quickly? What kind of woman did they think she was, anyway?
JJ frowned and grabbed her towel. She ruffled it through her hair, taking her time drying the strands as best she could. She’d spent the past ten years in prison. She’d lost way too many years of her life sitting in a barred cage. Now she wanted to make up for lost time. She was going to do it with all three men. That they would invite themselves into her bed—JJ shivered just thinking about the idea of having all three of them making love to her at the same time.
No, she wouldn’t turn down their offer. She was a woman. She had needs. She wanted to stay here for as long as she could. She liked it here. Liked them. More than liked them.
When her hair was relatively dry, she tossed the towel into the nearby hamper and then grabbed another towel.
She smiled as she began drying the rest of her. Maybe she was batshit crazy, but she did want to take this relationship with the guys to the next level? She was a grown woman and she had every right to decide whom she wanted in her bed. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially if all three men were in agreement.
She wrapped her towel around her body, and knotted it at her breast. Tension and excitement zipped through her as she stepped into her bedroom. She stopped. It was semi-dark in here. Hadn’t she left her bedroom light on? Her gaze snapped to her bedroom windows. To her surprise, dainty green-and-red Christmas lights blinked at the windows.
Oh how sweet. They must have done this while she’d been showering. It looked gorgeous. So Christmassy. A cozy fire crackled in her fireplace too.
They were getting her in the mood. She blew out a tense breath and she tried not to tremble at what was going to happen tonight. Movement from her bed made her cry out in surprise. She recognized Dan lying there. The covers were pulled up to his neck and he wore a cowboy hat.
Oh dear!
“Hey baby, I thought you’d never come out of that shower.”
Without warning, he tossed the covers aside. In the semi-darkness, she spied powerful muscles flexing in his legs. Between his thighs, she spied a long and thick cock with a large scrotum. She swallowed as she stared. She’d had very limited experience with guys before she’d gone to prison. Just two, and they’d been awkward teenagers like her. She hadn’t realized a man’s erection could be so…big.
Dan patted the empty spot beside him. “Come on in and let’s get you warm.”
Could she really do this? Could she really go through with having sex wi
th Dan? She trembled as she stepped forward. She wanted to. Oh, how she wanted to. It was just that reality was so different than fantasy.
“Drop the towel. I want to look at you,” he instructed. His voice sounded strong, yet gentle. His gaze was lusty. Hot. He stared at her as if she were a feast.
Her cheeks warmed right along with the rest of her. Suddenly she felt like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. Awakening to something beautiful and free.
“Don’t tell me you’re shy,” he whispered. A teasing grin tilted his sweet lips and her heart skipped a couple of beats. Gosh, he looked so cute when he smiled at her. He didn’t wait for her to answer. Instead, he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Then he held out his hands to her.
Emotions, thick and raw, bubbled up inside her. She was saying goodbye to their innocent relationship.
It was time. No turning back. She wanted this.
He spoke softly. “I have to tell you the truth, I’m not shy in bed. I want you. I have for some time. We all have wanted you.”
She blew out a tense breath and placed her hand into his. His strong fingers curled around hers and he squeezed tenderly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle…at first.” The last two words came out in a husky whisper that had her breath backing up in her lungs.
He pulled her toward him until she stood between his spread legs.
Don’t look down, JJ. Don’t…But even as she was thinking it, her gaze was lowering to the area between his thighs. To that magnificently large cock. It was very erect. Very swollen and…her vagina convulsed and she creamed warmly.
She licked her lips as an incredible nervous anticipation weaved around her. Dan let go of her hand and he reached up. Her skin sizzled as his finger dipped beneath the simple towel knot at her breast. He tugged and the towel dropped away. Warm air breathed against her body.
His Adam’s apple bobbed and his gaze grew darker as he studied her.
“I’ve been dying to know how you look under all those clothes, JJ. I’ve been dying to touch you. To kiss you.”
She yelped as he pulled her forward. She crashed down upon his length, her legs tangling with his, her naked body draping over his body. His cock pressed boldly against her tummy and his mouth seared over hers. The heat of his male skin melting against hers was surprisingly pleasing.
He let go of her hands, and then splayed them firm and hot around her waist. He pressed the thick brand of his erection tighter against her. He kissed her hard and with a desperation that made her want him even more. She curled her hands over his shoulders, her fingertips touching the hard contours of his sinewy muscles. He smelled good. Of soap and pine trees.
He tasted good too. Of the peppermint mints she loved placing on the dinner table so the men could nibble on them after supper while they played cards.
His mouth made love to her. He sipped tenderly at the edges of her lips and the confident way he kissed her chased away any lingering inner turmoil.
“I’m pretty bold. I hope I don’t scare you,” Dan whispered as he broke the kiss. His breathing was fast and raspy.
She didn’t know what to say. Heck, she didn’t think she could even talk. Her lips tickled wonderfully and her thoughts were all scattered. His huge erection continued to press boldly between her thighs.
She wanted his thick length buried inside of her.
“Are you wearing your plug?” he asked. He sucked her left earlobe into his mouth. Wicked tingles whipped through her.
She nodded.
“Good. Good.”
He kissed her again. This time his mouth moved harder and fiercer over hers. Awareness shivered through her as she parted her teeth and his hot tongue dashed into her mouth. Their tongues clashed in a duel and her world tilted.
“I want to taste you,” he whispered as he suddenly broke the kiss.
Taste? Her mind was muddled. What did he mean?
In an instant, he had changed their positions. Suddenly, he was on top of her. His legs straddling her hips, his long cock branding her thighs. His eyes twinkled and he smiled as he gazed down at her.
“You’re so beautiful, JJ. I don’t think you realize how attractive you are.”
She was?
He didn’t wait for her to say thank you for his compliment or allow her to deny that she was beautiful because he dipped his head and began kissing a fiery trail across the length of her collarbone. Then he moved his body off hers, and shifted himself lower. His hot hands framed her breasts. Her heart pounded faster as his head lowered and his mouth fused over her right nipple.
She twisted as heat enveloped her sensitive tip. She groaned as his teeth nipped gently and pleasure-pain exploded. He licked and lapped and smoothed his tongue around her areola. Her breathing quickened. Then his mouth melted over her nipple again and he suckled her. The exquisite pressure zinged sharp sensations right down to her pussy. She arched against him, needing more.
He moved his head to her other breast and his tongue worked its magic there, until she was whimpering. He dipped his head lower, kissing a fiery trail down her stomach. Her tummy quivered as his tongue seduced her skin with sultry licks and his teeth tormented her with sensual nips.
As he neared her mons, he stopped and lifted his head. His face was flushed. His eyes were dark and shone with sexual intent.
“Open your legs for me, sweetheart,” he said softly.
She whimpered as she spread her thighs. She was so wet for him, and her vagina clenched as he suddenly lifted her hips and placed a pillow beneath her ass. Then he quickly maneuvered his body over her lower half. His wide shoulders pressed against the insides of her legs, preventing them from closing.
He dipped his head between her thighs and she groaned as he blew hot puffs of air against her throbbing clitoris.
“Have you ever been made love to by air?” he said and then puffed again.
Her clit was so ultra-sensitive that uncontrollable spasms zipped through her thighs and belly. She thrashed her head around on her pillow, unable to speak.
He blew against her clit again. She clenched her hands into tight knots as wicked sensations engulfed her. He was stoking a fire inside her. Something that would be uncontrollable once he ignited the fuse.
“It’s been a long time since you’ve been with a man, hasn’t it?” he asked.
She couldn’t answer and he went back to blowing.
His head and shoulders were so hot between her legs. The tantalizing splash of air pummelled her clit, making her gasp and shiver. An agonizing tightness whipped through her pussy.
Oh gosh, was he going to torture her in this way?
She clenched her fists tighter as he puffed some more.
“What do you want me to do to you, baby?” he growled. She swore there was an underlying teasing in his voice. Did he know how inexperienced she was? Did he know how badly her body hurt in having to wait for him to make love to her?
“More,” she gasped out the word, not really knowing how to verbalize what she wanted.
“Maybe you want this…”
He lapped at her clit with his tongue making her cry out at the exquisite pressure. Instinctively, she lifted her legs and quickly brought them up over his shoulders. She pressed the heels of her feet into his hard back muscles.
His hot mouth fused over her pussy and he sucked. She keened as an agonizing pleasure tore through her and she was instantly lost in the vortex. Her breath shuddered and her hips jerked as he licked, sipped and sucked. Every muscle inside of her tightened until tremors rocked her and she wanted to dive inside the pleasure.
Dan kept lapping, licking and sucking on her pussy. She was a feast to him, that’s what she was. A banquet. Every time he sucked, her sweet cream splashed into his mouth and he eagerly drank from her. She was inexperienced. He’d been able to tell in the blush on her face and how quickly she climaxed. After he’d wrenched three orgasms out of her, he could barely stand th
e pulsing ache gripping his shaft. He knew he should make this last for her, but he couldn’t control himself anymore. He needed to have her. Now!
He moved his head away from her steaming pussy and then he quickly climbed over her.
Her eyes suddenly blinked open and his heart melted at the satisfaction and glittering lust in her gaze. She had enjoyed what he’d done to her. She would enjoy many more nights at his hands and those of Brady and Rafe. She would know she was needed and loved.
“One more important thing,” he whispered.
She whimpered in response and he reached over to grab one of the condoms he’d placed near one of the pillows when he’d first climbed into her bed.
With his teeth, he tore away the top of the package. A moment later, he sheathed his aching shaft. Bringing her to satisfaction had just about killed him. His cock was near to bursting and his balls hurt like hell from wanting her.
There was no more time for foreplay. The time for action was now.
He moaned as he positioned himself on top of her, his shaft spearing quickly into her in one harsh thrust. She gasped and bucked beneath him. Her hands slapped over his shoulders and her nails dug painfully into his muscles.
Her pussy clenched tightly around his cock and intense pleasure grabbed him. He withdrew and thrust his swollen shaft into her again. She writhed beneath him. Her wiggles created more friction and pleasure. His vision darkened and he lost it.
He began pistoning into her pussy. His thrusts were deep and uncontrolled. Beneath him, she gasped and moaned. Her fingers dug harder into his back. Her eyes were scrunched and her lips parted slightly. She wailed as she came. The erotic sounds were music to his ears.
He closed his eyes. He kissed her and drowned himself within her exhilarating heat. He thrust harder and faster and her vaginal muscles clenched sweetly around his shaft like a vise. Suddenly, he was rumbling within the ecstasy, drowning inside the exquisite convulsions. He was lost within her.