Stripped Naked Page 7
There were no traditional walls. These walls were curved and the ceiling was arched and made out of glass. Beyond the glass was soothing blue water and craggy, colorful coral reefs with forests of lush greenery and various sizes of colorful fish that flickered here and there. There was even a small leatherback turtle leisurely swimming past them.
They were under the freaking ocean.
The room where they stood was huge. A guesstimate would be about eight hundred square feet. Daniel could fit a small house in here. A king-sized bed was layered with white blankets and puffy white pillows and stood in the middle of the room.
There was a white sofa tucked against a far glass wall. A couple of plush midnight-blue cushioned lounge chairs faced one of the glass walls overlooking the ocean scenery. A cozy kitchenette with accompanying dinette table and a tall cooler, its glass doors showing a stand of wine bottles, was nestled in one corner. A nearby door—ajar—showed off the bathroom, also with the same curved glass walls and ceiling. The color theme included shades of blue, white and pink. Everything matched the ocean palette.
“Welcome to my Under the Ocean suite,” Daniel whispered.
“Unbelievably beautiful,” Sander said. Breathtaking. It was as if he’d stepped onto another planet. A water world full of colors and total silence.
“I got the idea to have a private one built for myself when I visited an underwater retreat with Jacques. I didn’t tell him I had this constructed. We were already rocky by then. Anyway, we’re about forty feet beneath the surface. At night when the ocean is calm I can see the moon shining through the water. Sometimes a shark will swim by and as you can see there’s all kinds of sea creatures.”
“This is paradise.”
“I thought it would be the perfect place…for us. Until now I have never brought anyone special here.”
“I’m truly honored, Daniel.” He couldn’t get enough of this visual stimulation and knowing Daniel had brought him here because he was special to him gave Sander hope this relationship was serious and moving along very fast.
“How about some wine while we lounge and watch the scenery?” Daniel squeezed Sander’s hand. Sander gave him a heated smile that burned through Daniel like a tidal wave of pleasure.
“Yeah, I think that would be the perfect start to a very perfect evening to come.”
Reluctantly Sander let go of Daniel’s hand and took a seat on one of the very comfortable lounge chairs. Gazing into the ocean from a room beneath the ocean instead of through goggles sent tingles of joy racing through him. Many fish zipped past sea fans and dashed around the corals. Some of the fish he could name, like the silvery tarpon, the extraordinarily colorful angelfish with their yellow tails and greenish-blue tinged bodies, and the orderly schoolmasters.
The pop of a cork turned Sander’s attention back to Daniel who poured white wine into a couple of tall gold glasses and carried them over. He handed one to Sander then took a seat on the lounge beside him, stretching his long powerful legs out in front of him.
“It’s an 1867 Australian wine. A unique blend of spiced apple, pear, pineapple and peach notes with a touch of hazelnut.”
Sander sniffed the drink. His eyebrows rose with surprise at the unique fruity scent. He took a sip of the cool liquid and a pleasing arrangement of flavors splashed over his tongue and tingled a pleasant line down his throat.
He took a few more sips and relaxed against the chair, loving the soft buzz of the alcohol.
“You’re delicious,” Daniel said softly.
Sander caught Daniel’s husky sexual undertone and turned to face him. He was watching the ocean view, smiling. Cute laugh lines laced the corners of his eyes and he looked too damn sexy to ignore. Sander’s ass clenched around the butt plug and his cock throbbed, tenting his shorts. It was time. He needed to be with Daniel.
“I want you to get ready for me,” Daniel suddenly said. “And meet me back here. I’ll have the lube and the condoms ready.”
Sander’s breath caught at the husky command.
“Okay.” Twisting, he set the flute of wine on the small table nestled between the lounge chairs, swung his legs over and stood.
But before he could move Daniel reached out and caught his hand. He intertwined their fingers and squeezed. His gaze was hot, intense.
“There’s something else I want you to think about too. But don’t give me your answer yet.”
“What’s that?”
“I want us to move in together.”
Whoa. That came out of left field.
Before Sander could respond, Daniel shook his head and let go of Sander’s hand.
“Just think about it. Now get ready. I need you. Bad.”
Sander nodded and quickly headed to the bathroom. He blew out a tense breath as Daniel’s request about moving in together whipped around in his mind. This was serious shit. But he didn’t want to give up the places were he volunteered. People depended on him. He didn’t want to let anyone down.
He inhaled sharply and gazed out at the serene ocean view surrounding him in the bathroom. Fish swam past seemingly without a care in the world.
Living in this lifestyle was addictive yet wouldn’t he a hypocrite if he moved in with Daniel? Could he live this extravagant way and then go to work and deal with people who were in such dire straits that they couldn’t afford food and in a lot of cases lived on the streets?
Staying here with Daniel for the last couple of days, he’d succeeded in keeping those questions at bay. He’d managed to unwind for the first time since…well he couldn’t remember when he’d ever felt this free and content. So didn’t he deserve a little bit of personal pleasure when he’d been surrounded by so much misery during most of his life?
As he removed the plug and prepared himself for Daniel, the guilt began to slowly melt away. Shit yeah, he deserved some happiness. If he were happy, then he would be able to work harder for the people he wanted to help, wouldn’t he?
A few moments later he left the bathroom and found Daniel sitting on his lounge chair. He was completely naked and his erection was massive, angling straight up. He wore a bright-yellow condom and his fingers leisurely stroked his enormous length. His shaft was also generously slathered with lube.
On the ornate table between the two chairs lay a tub of lube, the lid off. Beside the tub was an arrangement of colorful condoms. In the glass reflection, Daniel grinned at him and Sander trembled at the intensity of his smile.
The quakes of lust lacing through him reached deep down inside to an area where no other man had ever gone before. For a brief moment Sander swore he forgot how to breathe.
He recovered and tried to lighten this serious situation.
“The condoms are color-coordinated with the ocean theme. Nice touch,” he complimented.
Daniel didn’t say anything. He just held out his hand and Sander took it. Their fingers intertwined and Daniel pulled him closer. A bout of nervousness sifted through Sander.
“It’s pretty quiet,” he whispered.
“You said that when we first came down here.”
“Oh? Did I?” Shit, maybe he had.
“Then how about we make some noise?” Daniel chuckled.
Sander’s nervousness disintegrated. “That can be easily arranged.” His heart thudded madly against his chest.
He let go of Daniel’s hand and slipped off his shorts. His engorged cock sprang free and twitched at the sudden release from its restraints. A moment later Sander wore a bright-red condom.
Quickly Sander stepped over the lounge chair Daniel was sitting in and straddled it. Daniel said nothing as Sander stood over him and stared into his green eyes. They blazed so furiously he could see flecks of blue and gold mingling in the green.
It was as if Sander were staring into the depths of the ocean itself and into Daniel’s soul. There was kindness there. Determination, lust and yes even love. Suddenly Sander felt weak and he knew he would do anything for this man
. It was an incredible feeling, this loss of control.
“What?” Daniel whispered. His head cocked slightly in his curiosity as he studied him.
“I’ll tell you later. Right now…” He had much better things to do.
They both hissed as Sander lowered himself over Daniel’s torso. Intense pressure and sizzling heat seared into him as Daniel’s cock head penetrated him and his shaft pushed and throbbed against his anal muscles. He slid in deeper. Sander gasped at the intensity.
Daniel’s size was awesome as he impaled him, stretching muscles Sander never knew he had. He gritted his teeth at the pleasure-pain sparking to life. As he fully impaled himself, Sander lifted his legs from the floor and placed his feet firmly on each side of the lounge chair and against Daniel’s hips.
“Man, you are so wicked tight. I can feel your muscles clenching around my cock. It’s fantastic,” Daniel breathed in a sultry voice. His eyelids were hooded and his face was flushed with arousal.
Sander gasped as Daniel reached out, his fingers capturing his sensitive nipples. Sander did the same to Daniel, tweaking and pinching his flesh. He tensed at the sharp pricks of pleasure coursing through him, the sensations encouraging him to gyrate his hips.
Oh man, Daniel was an erotic picture. His chest was heaving, his eyes were shut and he was panting between slightly parted lips.
“You look too damn sexy,” Sander whispered. He leaned forward and kissed Daniel.
Inside his ass, Daniel’s cock thickened and quivered. Sander gyrated harder, his ass muscles clamping down. He kissed Daniel more intensely. He loved the sensual curve of Daniel’s lower lip and enjoyed sucking on it.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Sander shuddered as pleasure grabbed hold. Daniel growled as his cock pulsed and his body tightened against Sander. He knew Daniel was about to come. Brutally beautiful sensations gripped his cock and he loved the way Daniel filled his ass. Frantically he rubbed his shaft against Daniel’s hard pubic bone.
Oh man. This was so good. Absolutely amazing.
Suddenly his ass was awash with liquid heat as Daniel came into the condom. Sander gyrated harder. Driving pleasure seared his ass, around his shaft, against his balls and into his belly. His mind fragmented and a kaleidoscope of colors erupted behind his eyelids. He shouted Daniel’s name as he came apart in a climax of shudders and tremors.
* * * * *
“So about my previous question.” Daniel’s voice was breathy and low as they lay in bed after leaving the lounge chair following their lovemaking session. They’d removed their colorful condoms and the cool sheets felt fantastic against Sander’s heated body as they stared up at the ocean above them. The tone of Daniel’s voice made Sander instinctively aware Daniel was serious once again.
“Question?” Sander teased as he watched the light from the full white moon flicker faintly into the room. It was amazing that the moonbeams could reach so far below the ocean.
“Living arrangements. I don’t want us to be apart. Too much time has been wasted. I already know how I feel about you.”
Sander smiled inwardly as happiness burst against his chest. “And how’s that?”
Daniel cursed softly and his cheeks reddened.
“I’m not much for expressing myself in words,” he growled.
“Oh, I don’t know about that. You’ve been doing a great job of it ever since I got here.”
“That would be in the showing department.”
“Showing is all I need, Daniel.”
“I want you to move in with me.”
Sander sensed the desperation in those words. Saw it in the sudden frown on Daniel’s face when Sander didn’t immediately answer. This abrupt bout of vulnerability wasn’t like Daniel. Up until now he’d been confident as all get out. Why the sudden about-face?
“You’re the guy for me, Daniel. It’s what I wanted to say earlier just before we made love. It’s what I feel here.” Reaching out, he grabbed Daniel’s hand and intertwined their fingers before leading Daniel’s palm over his chest and onto his pounding heart.
Daniel cursed softly. Surprise and confusion lashed his face.
“I don’t want you to give up your job,” Daniel said. “And I don’t want to refer you to some other billionaire. I want you exclusively. My man. Mine. How do you feel about us living together, all expenses paid?”
“Your kept man?” Sander grinned. That was one way of putting it, he supposed.
“Sex and love is included in the deal and no ethical lines would be crossed because technically I wouldn’t be your boss and you wouldn’t be my doctor.”
Sander turned his head to look at Daniel, who was studying him intently.
“But I like playing doctor with you,” Sander teased.
Daniel’s green eyes sparkled with excitement and Sander’s heart began a wicked pounding as Daniel continued.
“You keep your volunteer jobs, I pay the bills. You’ll of course have your own expense account and money to do with as you wish. We live together. You at my mercy. Me at your mercy. I want to be with you, Sander, because I feel myself with you. We click.”
“Contrary to what you believe I’d say you’re pretty good in the word department.”
Daniel bit his bottom lip. Suddenly he appeared worried. Nervous that Sander would say no?
“Yes. It would be great living together and getting to know each other,” Sander replied quickly before any doubts Daniel might be experiencing could take a firm hold. Giddiness like nothing he’d ever experienced burst through him.
“Yes?” Daniel still didn’t look convinced. It seemed by the worried frown on his forehead that he didn’t believe what he’d just heard.
“Yes, let’s move in together. I’d like to keep working where I am. My place is too small for two men. We can get a place together. That would be my preference.”
Daniel’s mouth dropped open in surprise.
“Just like that?” he asked.
Sander laughed and squeezed Daniel’s hand.
“You are my heart, Daniel. I’ve never felt this way about another guy. You’re it. The man. My man.”
Daniel cursed softly and then he nodded. Understanding flooded his features.
“Okay, okay. This is great. But I’m not going to wake up and blink and this will all have been some dream? We are together, then? Seriously together?”
“Well, if you want together…it’s my turn to take you.” Sander wiggled his eyebrows and pursued his lips, giving Daniel the full extent of his sexual meaning.
Daniel grinned and grabbed Sander’s wrist. Before Sander knew what was happening, Daniel moved his upper torso over him. His strong chest rubbed against Sander’s chest and their nipples touched, hardened. Daniel’s hot mouth melted over Sander’s in a wicked-hot kiss that literally curled Sander’s toes and short-circuited all of his thoughts except one.
Daniel is mine.
* * * * *
Disbelief rocked Daniel. Sander had agreed to move in with him. Just like that. This was beyond perfect. Usually Daniel was a confident guy but sometimes—and he didn’t know why—Sander could bring out his vulnerable side, just as he was doing now. Sander was kissing Daniel back and Sander was getting braver and bolder with every heated kiss.
Before Daniel knew it, Sander was pushing himself over Daniel, his hands sliding erotically over his shoulders and his belly. He grabbed Daniel’s cock, twisting the rigid flesh until the pleasure burn had Daniel gasping at the need building inside him. Sander’s dick rubbed against Daniel’s thigh, thick and swollen. Sander’s hot tongue poked past his teeth, into his mouth and dueled with Daniel’s tongue.
“Get to the edge of the bed. Ass out so I have access to you while I’m standing. I want you on all fours,” Sander growled as he ripped his mouth away. The dark need blazing in the doctor’s eyes shot shivers of anticipation through Daniel and he scrambled to do Sander’s bidding.
On top of the bed, he got on all fours, doggy-style.
“Don’t mo
ve.” Sander’s commanding tone had Daniel groaning and nodding. He liked it when Sander took charge. It turned him on big-time.
The mattress moved as Sander climbed off. A moment later, Daniel caught the reflection in the glass pane of Sander dropping the open container of lube and several packages of condoms on the bed beside Daniel.
His dick pulsed and his ass clenched when he heard the rip of foil. It was followed by the sounds of a condom being put on. His heart pounded at the slurp of Sander’s fingers sliding through the lube and then being applied to his shaft.
“I’m going to give those fish swimming around out there a nice show,” Sander said.
Daniel chuckled, imagining what the fish and other creatures might be thinking seeing a couple of humans having sex right in front of them.
“You have a nice-looking ass, Daniel. Let’s see how it looks when it’s blushing,” Sander whispered.
Pain blistered across his ass cheeks as Sander’s palm slapped against his tender flesh. Daniel’s cock throbbed and swelled. Sander smacked his ass harder and faster, the sharp slaps echoing into the quiet room. He spanked him until his cheeks burned with pleasure-pain.
“Very nice blush. I’ve never seen such an erotic shade of pink before,” Sander breathed. His voice sounded rough and lust-filled.
Daniel groaned as Sander’s lubed shaft pushed against Daniel’s sphincter.
“This is how I want you, Daniel. At my mercy,” Sander whispered. He thrust his shaft past the tight ring of muscles and pushed into him a bit until a sudden burst of arousal seared through him.
“I found your P-spot,” Sander whispered. “Let’s give it some gentle stimulation.”
Sander began a slow, sensual massage against the ultrasensitive area inside his ass and Daniel couldn’t stop the guttural growl escaping as he twisted into the erotic shivers.
“Feels perfect, doesn’t it?” Sander chuckled.
“Just like us being together,” Daniel managed to reply as the arousal embraced him.
“Together forever.”