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Sexual Release Page 5

  Her eyes were glazed now. She was moaning. Licking. Sucking. He became caught in the sensual rhythm of his thrusts and barely noticed Nathan slipping a second lubed finger into her. Her eyes widened with surprise and she whimpered adorably around his heavy, swollen cock.

  “He’s preparing you for the double penetration,” Dakota said hoarsely.

  By the way her eyes sparkled, he could tell she wanted both of them. Badly.

  “And then you will belong to us,” he hissed.

  At his words, her demeanor changed. Her face flushed red. Anger flared in her eyes. Her mouth went flaccid and Dakota realized his mistake. When she opened her mouth, disappointment gripped him. He withdrew on a strangled sigh.

  It took Mica a moment to catch her breath.

  “I belong to no man. Least of all a human,” she snapped, trying desperately to maintain control over the sensual haze threatening to consume her.

  “If you think tying me up and forcing yourselves on me will make me yours, you two are seriously mistaken.”

  She took immense satisfaction at how Dakota’s eyes darkened with anger.

  “We will mate, Mica, and you will mate with us willingly,” he growled into her ear.

  Mica’s first impulse was to get up off the bed and start throwing things at him. She was mad at him for trying to dominate her and taking advantage of her sexual weakness toward human men. She was pissed off at their deception of pretending they were clones. And also sad because he and Nathan had been alive all these years and she hadn’t known. They had lost so many years. Too many years.

  However, she couldn’t get up off the bed because she was still tied down and Nathan was now doing such naughty things to her ass with his fingers, she found herself taking a moment to enjoy the erotic sensations.

  The bite of pleasure-pain spearing her ass threatened to topple her back into the wonderful haze she’d been enjoying before Dakota’s domination remarks tossed her into a fury she could barely control.

  She had not realized she’d closed her eyes and almost fallen back into the fog of submissive pleasure until she opened them and saw Dakota’s knowing smile.

  Anger flared anew.

  “You will not dominate me, Dakota. Never. If I lie with the two of you, and that’s a big if at the moment, I will be at the very least your equals.”

  “You are a strong woman,” Dakota hissed as he held her chin and kissed her full on the mouth.

  “Our gorgeous princess,” he whispered when he broke the kiss.

  “We will be equals and you will be well protected by us,” Nathan quietly broke in. He withdrew his fingers, leaving her ass clenching and wanting him back there again.

  “I will be the leader of your army, just as we planned. And Dakota will be more than a mere bodyguard.”

  “We will both be your kings, available to you whenever you wish us to be,” Dakota replied. “And if I know you, you will develop new traditions for our two peoples. Traditions that will make our children proud of their mother. And with the powerful army that Nathan will build, our people will be fearless.”

  Warmth scrambled through her at Dakota’s words. It was a lovely future he portrayed. Only one problem existed.

  “A queen and her kings can only rule if they have a kingdom. Everyone is dead or enslaved.”

  “Over the years, many Azarians and humans have been rescued from slavery. After we were rescued, Nathan and I joined in freeing people the Invaders kidnapped. We saved many. Among them many humans and Azarians who were taken from Azar,” Dakota confessed. “They gather on a nearby moon as we speak, awaiting for Nathan and me to send the message that we have secured our world for their return. Imagine their surprise when they discover their beloved princess still lives.”

  “Your people wish to come home, Mica,” Nathan said softly.

  Home. Such a lovely word.

  She turned her head to see Nathan’s cock. It was thick and erect and her anus tightened with eagerness.

  Dakota chuckled. “We want the kingdom to know human males have double penetrated their princess. They will consider it a new beginning and will realize the Purity Law of humans not mating with Azarians exists no longer.”

  She trembled as Dakota released her from her bonds. He took her by the hands and made her stand. His bursting erection rubbed against her hip and she shivered in anticipation.

  “We love you, Princess Mica,” Dakota said as he kissed her on the mouth before breaking away.

  Nathan said lustily, “We want to give you all your fantasies and from what we’ve read so far in your journals, it will take a lifetime to make them all come true.”

  “I should have the both of you tortured for snooping in my private business,” she tried to sound cross but her anger abandoned her. Instead she sounded husky and felt horny.

  Dakota mused, “I bet you can’t wait to be stretched with pleasure by our cocks, can you, sweetness? We want you now, Mica. Do you want us?”

  Hot blood coursed through her veins and his eyes softened as he awaited an answer.

  Nathan’s hands came around her body and he eagerly cupped her breasts, his thumb and forefinger capturing her erect nipples, roughly rolling and pinching them until they ached and swelled and her hips began to gyrate.

  She found herself nodding, feeling a happiness unlike anything she’d ever felt in her life.

  “Yes, I want both of you. I’ve always wanted both of you.”

  Dakota let go of her wrists and threaded his fingers through her hair, holding her head still. His mouth tenderly descended upon hers and she found herself whimpering in need as a prickly heat fanned out from her pussy into her anus. Her breath caught as Nathan’s smooth cock head nudged into the opening of her ass.

  Reaching up she raked her fingertips over Dakota’s well-packed muscles. Her fingernails dug into solid flesh. The spear of pleasure-pain from Nathan’s anal invasion made her bite at Dakota’s lips. He growled and she tasted sweet blood.

  “You are a wild princess, aren’t you, my love?” Dakota chuckled as he broke the kiss.

  He let go of her head and wiped the blood from his lips with the back of one hand before slipping his finger between her widespread legs. He found her cream-soaked clit and thumbed it gently. Pleasure exploded.

  She cried out. His eyes darkened with need.

  He increased the pressure and created friction, teasing the aching flesh. She began to pant. She quickly caught fire. Her pussy grew sopping wet.

  Nathan’s penis stretched into her ass like a hot poker. She loved it. Loved the pleasure. The pain. The fullness that made her gasp.

  The three of them were breathing hard. Nathan’s hands continued to arouse her breasts and Dakota kissed her again. Their tongues tangled. At that moment, his rigid cock came into her pussy in one solid stroke, making her cry out at the hugeness stretching her tender muscles.

  His tongue lovingly stroked her mouth and Nathan’s cock plunged deep into her ass. Her anal and pussy muscles tensed, grabbing both their cocks.

  She shuddered as Dakota held her hips and both men began to rock against her. His warm lips whispered over her cheeks, her eyelids and her neck, saying soothing words as the driving pleasure racked her. Consumed her. Filled her.

  Their huge cocks burned into her channels. Stretched her as they plunged and bucked. Her cries mingled with the quick slap of flesh upon flesh. Their groans merged with her screams as they brought her into a world where her fantasies came true.

  A world where humans became kings and Azarian princesses were allowed to love human males.


  Nine years later

  Queen Mica smiled as she watched her black-haired, green-eyed, eight-year-old daughter look up from the gold aziac flowers she’d been tending in the castle garden to throw her and her fathers a huge smile and a wave. Mica sat not more than twenty feet away where she and her kings were eating breakfast at the outdoor table.

  All of them waved back.

Suddenly two boys, both sons of her servants and of the age of ten, scampered into the yard.

  “Princess Molly! Princess Molly!” they both shouted. A moment later they settled down on the ground beside a widely grinning child.

  Mica felt a rush of love flow through her veins as she watched her daughter accept something from one of the boys. The other boy handed her something also. They looked like necklaces with crystals attached to them. Friendship necklaces were the craze on Azar since her people had learned about the friendship stone Dakota and Nathan had given her.

  “How sweet!” Molly squealed, and gave both boys hugs.

  “It looks like our daughter’s young admirers need to be put in their place,” Dakota growled protectively as he pushed aside his breakfast plate.

  “I think I’ll join you,” Nathan replied gruffly.

  Both men were half out of their seats before Mica could think of a word of protest.

  “Do not disturb them,” she said quietly. “I do not want our daughters to be raised by tyrannical fathers as I was raised by one.”

  At her pointed words, both men visibly tensed and plopped back into their respective seats. Frowns of anger were quite evident on their faces. Despite their anger, she knew both her husbands did not want to be stern and harsh as her father had been.

  “She is too young to be accepting gifts,” Dakota said coolly.

  “It may give the boys ideas,” Nathan complained.

  “As the both of you gave me ideas when you two presented me with the friendship stone when I was eight?”

  “That was different,” Dakota scowled, and began nibbling on a boiled turtle egg the size of her fist.

  “You weren’t our daughter,” Nathan muttered as he speared a slice of wild turkey with his fork.

  “I’m going to kill those boys,” Dakota growled, once again halfway out of his seat.

  “As will I.” Nathan joined him.

  “Kill your future in-laws? I don’t think this will go over too well with Molly nor the child I carry.”

  Mica patted her heavily swollen belly. Both men grunted and dropped back into their chairs.

  “You think those two ruffians are Molly’s future mates?” Nathan’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as he watched the two boys return Molly’s hug.

  “Not Molly’s mates, but the baby I carry.”

  “Is this your Azarian female instinct kicking in?” Dakota asked.

  “Azarians always have instincts on who will be their children’s mates. And they are quite strong where these two boys are concerned. I am sure my father suspected you two would be mine and that is why he invoked the Purity Law in an effort to squash the union.”

  “Hmm. That certainly does explain why he would create such a law. But then who will be Molly’s suitors, oh wise queen?” Dakota asked gruffly and dug into his breakfast of wild turkey eggs and turtle milk.

  “And what if I tell you?”

  “I’ll keep my eye on him.”

  “You mean them.”

  “She is to have two also?” both men echoed.

  “Possibly more than two,” Mica replied truthfully.

  “More!” Dakota’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

  From beside them, Nathan chuckled. “It looks like we will be busy keeping young boys from snooping around our daughters.”

  “Not to worry, dear husbands, our daughters and sons will be strong and look out for themselves. Besides, you will be too busy with me in the bedroom to pay much attention to potential suitors.”

  Love and lust shot wildly through her veins as she stood and gazed down at her two strong husbands. Ever since becoming pregnant again, this time by Nathan, she hadn’t been able to get enough sex. It was a common craving among pregnant Azarian women.

  “Speaking of the bedroom. I need both of you—now.”

  Both men dropped their forks and looked up at her in surprise.

  “Again?” they replied in unison. The three of them had just made love before coming out for breakfast.

  “Yes. Again and again.” She giggled and wiggled her eyebrows as she headed down the secluded path that led to the entrance of their bedroom.

  When her husbands reached her, they made scorching love to her up against the wall.

  Again and again. Just as the queen ordered.

  About the Author

  Jan Springer is the pseudonym for an award winning best selling author who writes erotic romance and romantic suspense at a secluded cabin nestled in the Haliburton Highlands, Ontario, Canada.

  She has enjoyed careers in hairstyling and accounting, but her first love is always writing. Hobbies include kayaking, gardening, hiking, traveling, reading and writing.

  Jan welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Jan Springer

  Christmas Lovers

  Edible Delights

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails II anthology

  Heroes at Heart 1: A Hero’s Welcome

  Heroes at Heart 2: A Hero Escapes

  Heroes at Heart 3: A Hero Betrayed

  Heroes at Heart 4: A Hero’s Kiss

  Heroes at Heart: A Hero Needed

  Holiday Heat anthology

  Outlaw Lovers: Colter’s Revenge

  Outlaw Lovers: Jude Outlaw

  Outlaw Lovers: The Claiming

  Peppermint Creek Inn


  Zero to Sexy

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