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Cowboys for Christmas Page 12

  JJ blinked. They would?

  “You’re a tough woman. A pioneer. I knew you were perfect for this place the minute I saw you. You are perfect for these guys. You’ll last, and I am sure one of the boys will end up marrying you. If not all of them.”

  Oh dear. If you only knew what was going on.

  Kelly laughed and winked. She took a sip of the coffee and grimaced as she swallowed.

  “Now this is what I call coffee. Perfect,” Kelly said.

  “She is, isn’t she.” Brady’s voice echoed as he stepped off the bottom step and strolled into the kitchen. He wore nothing but a pair of jeans. Muscles rippled across his back and biceps as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

  “Wow! He’s hot!” Kelly mouthed the words at JJ and winked.

  JJ frowned as irritation snapped through her. This was the first time she’d seen Brady without his shirt on. He’d never done this before. At least not in front of her.

  Bastard. Was he showing off his hunky body to Kelly, trying to impress her?

  Brady came to stand in front of them. He smiled first at Kelly, then at JJ.

  “JJ is perfect for this place and for us. We couldn’t have asked for anyone better. I doubt there is anyone better out there for us.”

  “My, you speak highly of her. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there was something going on between the two of you.” Kelly said as she stared up at Brady. She arched a perfectly groomed eyebrow in question at him.

  Brady didn’t so much as flinch. Yet she thought she saw a flare of interest in his eyes.

  “Sorry, ladies. I’d like to stay and chat and give away all my secrets, but I need to get to my office and check my email for an important message. Continue on with your conversation.”

  JJ blew out a soft breath as she watched him stroll down the hallway. The seductive way his jeans hugged his ass made her want to cup his cheeks in her hands or, better yet, to grab his hand and drag him off to her bed.

  “I’m sorry, I was just teasing him,” Kelly giggled as she focused her attention back to JJ.

  Just teasing? Her hopes deflated. She’d thought that Kelly had been serious. For a minute there, she’d felt as if there really could be something between her and the guys. Maybe they just wanted sex and that was it? Maybe she was being naive in wanting more?

  “What’s wrong? You look as if you suddenly lost your best friend. Was it something I said?”

  JJ shook her head. “Just realized it’s getting late and I need to get started on preparing breakfast.”

  Kelly looked horrified. “Now? It’s like what?” She glanced at her watch. “It’s not even five-thirty and you haven’t even slept.”

  “That’s ranch life. You have to get up earlier than the fish if you want to survive out here. I’ll just pop into a quick shower. Breakfast is within the hour.”

  JJ ignored Kelly’s frown as she quickly left the table. Kelly was right, though. She suddenly did feel as if she’d lost a best friend. Maybe three of them.

  * * * * *

  It had turned into a hectic day, especially with a cute newborn garnering everyone’s attention and distracting the men from their chores. Now as she stared at Kelly’s bright-red Cessna as it roared into the sky and disappeared over the treetops with Kelly, Blue and her baby, who Blue had named Ivy, all JJ wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep forever.

  Maybe that was why she was feeling so weepy and sad. Maybe it had nothing to do with that innocent comment from Kelly this morning about her teasing Brady about there being something between them. There was something between Dan, Rafe, Brady and herself. Whatever it was, she was going to enjoy it.

  “You were asking Kelly a lot of questions about her plane today. I thought planes scared you?” Brady said as the two of them turned and trudged up the trail toward the ranch house. It was midafternoon and the sky was such a bright blue with the snow sparkling a gorgeous white, that it was hard to believe that by this time tomorrow they would be in the throes of a blizzard.

  “I’ve come to a realization that I am not afraid of anything.”

  Brady chuckled. “You’re not, eh? Not even of the big bad wolf?”

  JJ frowned. He wasn’t being serious. But she wouldn’t expect him to be. He was a confident man and he would have no idea of what she was experiencing when she had an attack. She’d thought they came out of the blue, but Kelly had told her it could have to do with her own thoughts. Could her own thoughts be scaring her?

  “Kelly suggested there was nothing to be afraid of but fear itself. She said she’s going to send me some self-help books for my anxiety, panic and claustrophobia problems. She said maybe my cognitive thinking needs to change to something more positive. Instead of thinking that I can’t do something, I have to train my brain into thinking I can.”

  “You’re a strong woman, JJ. I’m sure you can get an upper hand on it.”

  Wow. He thought she was strong and Kelly had said the same thing early this morning. Maybe she’d been shortchanging herself? Maybe she was tougher than she’d thought?

  When they entered the mudroom, JJ began to remove her scarf, but Brady suddenly grabbed her wrist. Surprise made her blink up at him. There was something intoxicating in the way he was suddenly looking at her, and an unexpected wave of heat whipped through her body.

  “Hold on a minute. There’s something I need to tell you, JJ girl,” he whispered.

  Instead of letting go of her, he suddenly pulled her against him. In a wink of an eye, she was pressed up against a wall of muscle. Before she could even comprehend what was happening, Brady’s face lowered to hers and his sweet warm lips melted over hers.

  Heat rolled through her. He was branding her. Teaching her how to kiss as his mouth demanded and coaxed her to open to him. He slid his tongue inside and stroked against hers until she shivered beneath the onslaught of excitement.

  Hunger rose inside her and she moved against his body. Pushing her breasts against his chest, pressing her pussy against the erection tenting his jeans.

  When she heard Dan and Rafe talking in the dining room, he abruptly stopped kissing her. He moved his mouth against her ear and caressed her cheek, his bristles creating sparks of feeling against her sensitive skin.

  “It’s not the same between all of us anymore, is it?” he said in a low voice.

  She shook her head. “It’s…more intense,” she admitted.

  “After tonight, expect more intensity. Anticipate more spontaneity. After tonight, the three of us will be taking you whenever we want. Whenever you want.”

  She tensed at his words. Creamed into her panties. Her mouth grew dry with a sudden nervousness.

  He pulled away, letting go of her hands. She opened her eyes to find a sweet smile tilting his lips.

  “See you tonight,” Brady whispered.

  He opened the door and stomped out of the mudroom, back outside. She barely felt the icy tendrils of air whisper against her too-warm face as she watched him saunter along the snowy trail toward the barn.

  Yeah, see you.

  Have mercy! Her legs were trembling from that kiss and from what he’d just said. She was surprised she was still standing.

  JJ reached out and grabbed the back of one of the several chairs that lined the wall of the mudroom. She needed to steady herself. Big time. If he was this potent during daylight, then she could only imagine how intense he would be tonight.

  Suddenly getting some sleep was the last thing on her mind.

  * * * * *

  “Dinner was absolutely fantastic, JJ. As always,” Rafe grinned as he leaned back in his chair and patted his stomach.

  “You know what they say, the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his belly,” Dan chuckled as he joined Rafe in leaning back in his chair and patting his stomach as well.

  “You boys will have me blushing in no time flat with all your lovely compliments,” JJ said with a laugh as she strolled to the fridge for dessert.

  They were so sweet
with their comments and momentary happiness flowed through her. But it didn’t last. Brady hadn’t returned for dinner and despite Rafe and Dan reassuring her that he was fine, she was worried. He never missed a meal. Except for a couple of times, and it had been expected.

  “What’s for dessert?” Dan called out as she opened the fridge.

  She didn’t answer them as she lifted the trifle dish, keeping her body between the dessert and the men’s curious gazes she placed the dish onto the counter. Then, from the fridge, she grabbed another dish with the crushed items she needed for the topping and began to sprinkle the red, white and green candy crumbs over the whipped cream which doused the treat.

  “Is it a secret?” Rafe chuckled.

  “I’ll give you a hint. It’s got crushed candy canes, and chocolate cookies…”

  “Yum!” Dan called out.

  She grinned and dipped her fingers into another container on the counter where she’d placed the crushed cookies. She grabbed a handful and sprinkled it on the cream and crushed candy cane.

  “And brownies, chocolate pudding and whipped cream.”

  “Oh, man! JJ, you are killing me here,” Rafe laughed.

  She’d enjoyed making the delicacy. She’d baked the brownies while Kelly, Blue and the baby had sat in living room and had packed them some so they could take the chocolate treats along with them.

  The two women had been so sweet. She’d discovered that Blue and Kelly were best friends. That they worked with several other women pilots on a lake a hundred miles north of Moose Ranch. Envy and an odd urge to break free of her fears had enveloped her as the two women told JJ about the freedom they felt flying above the clouds. They brought mail and food supplies to people who lived in secluded areas of the north. They had government contracts to deliver medical supplies to isolated hospitals. They even flew firefighters deep into the woods to fight forest fires.

  The women did so many things and went on so many adventures that JJ had been caught up in their world. It had given her the idea that this ranch needed a bush plane too. And she could be their pilot.

  JJ inhaled and rolled her eyes at her silly fantasy. Her? A woman prone to panic and anxiety attacks could never be a bush pilot.

  Suddenly, she remembered what Kelly had told her. That she needed to change her way of thinking. Instead of saying she couldn’t do something. She needed to believe that she could. Kelly had also confided in JJ that she should know because she’d also suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia when she’d been younger.

  If Kelly could become a bush pilot, then JJ needed to believe that yeah, maybe one day she could conquer her fears and be one too.

  She smiled and picked up the dessert.

  “Okay, guys here it is. Merry Christmas Eve!” she called out.

  “Wow! JJ! This is awesome!” Dan said as she presented the trifle to them.

  Rafe let out a whoop. He grabbed the spoon and began to heap the dessert onto his plate.

  “Hey! Don’t take it all!” Dan complained.

  “Leave a little for Brady. I need to get the laundry out of the dryer. I’ll be back in a minute,” she said as she headed toward the mudroom.

  Truth was, she needed to see Brady. Where in the world was he? She peeked out a mudroom window into the darkness. A light shone in one of the frost-encrusted barn windows. The guys had said he was tending to a couple of calves that had been born today.

  Yet, she wanted him inside. With them. With her. Why was she being so possessive? So selfish?

  Maybe because she wanted to experience another hot kiss from him. Needed him in her bed tonight. Safe and making love to her. She didn’t know how long she stood there staring out the window at that barn door, but finally the light closed and the barn door opened.

  Relief rushed through her as Brady stepped outside.

  He was safe.

  Relief poured through her and she quickly gathered the sheets out of the dryer and placed them in a laundry basket. Before she could grab the basket and head back into the kitchen, the mudroom door opened and frigid air whipped against her as Brady stepped inside.

  “Man! It’s a cold one out there,” he growled as he shut the door behind him. He turned around and smiled when he saw her standing here.

  “Hey, are you waiting for me?” His cheeks was flushed red from the cold and his eyes twinkled with amusement.

  Had he seen her standing there peering out the window?

  “Now, why would I do that? You’re a grown man. You don’t need me worrying about you.”

  His smile widened. To her surprise he reached out and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her right against his cold winter clothing. The unmistakeable bulge of an erection pressed boldly against her lower belly.

  Oh my! Why is he always so aroused?

  “You’re damn right I’m a grown man, JJ. And you’ll find that out tonight,” he said in a deep whisper.

  She trembled in his arms and anticipated another kiss. When none came, disappointment rocked her. He studied her with a heated gaze that made her realize he would be more intense than Dan or Rafe. Maybe even more intense than the two of them combined?

  Nervousness wiggled through her excitement.

  “What size butt plug are you on now?” he asked.


  He nodded.

  “When the guys are asleep tonight, I want you to come to my room.” His voice was low and firm, leaving no room for argument.

  Numbly, she nodded.

  He let her go and then handed her the laundry basket. His eyes blazed with warning as he stared at her.

  “Go, before I take you right now up against this wall.”

  Oh my!

  She almost decided to stay just to see if he really would do as he threatened. Almost.

  But she wasn’t yet comfortable enough for something like that to happen with Rafe and Dan in the other room. Or was she?

  She hesitated. Brady’s eyes narrowed.

  Excitement almost bowled her over.

  “Go,” he whispered. His voice was a husky demand and her instincts told her he wanted to be alone with her tonight, just as she’d been alone with Rafe and Dan.

  She nodded jerkily.

  Okay, she would do his bidding. She would wait the next couple of hours and then she’d be with him in his bed. Suddenly nothing else in the world mattered.

  * * * * *

  Brady clenched his teeth as he watched JJ scurry away with the laundry basket. He’d enjoyed the shock flare in her eyes when he instructed her to come to his room, instead of the way Dan and Rafe had gone to hers.

  Feeling her sweet, curvy body pressed against his had instantly made his cock and balls way too tight. It actually pained him to take the couple of steps to hang up his jacket and other winter gear.

  Man, he needed JJ in a way that he’d never needed any other woman. He couldn’t wait to hear her moaning and crying out as she’d done last night while Rafe had taken her in that shower. He’d stood at her bathroom door and for mere seconds he’d listened to the slaps of flesh against flesh. Knowing she was in there being fucked by another man, without him watching or being involved, had made him just about go nuts.

  If Kelly hadn’t been in trouble, he would have joined Rafe and JJ in the shower. Without a doubt.

  Brady grimaced as he sat down on a chair in the mudroom and removed his boots. His jeans were too damned tight and his shaft was too damned swollen. It was going to be torture waiting to sink his shaft deep into JJ’s warm pussy. But it would be worth the wait. He would endure and it would be much more sweeter when he came inside of her.

  * * * * *

  It was silent tonight. Way too quiet, JJ thought as she tiptoed down the stairway, her arms laden with the Christmas presents she’d wrapped for the guys. The quiet before the storm, in more ways than one. At the bottom of the stairs, she stopped to gaze at the Christmas lights twinkling on the tree and at the windows.

  She smiled. Kelly was rig
ht. The living room, donned in red bows, green garland and colorful ornaments, truly did belong in a magazine. It was breathtaking. But she didn’t have the time to admire it. She needed to get these presents under the tree.

  She moved quickly into the living room and smiled to herself as she placed the presents. The guys would be surprised. She’d been grateful that Brady hadn’t opened any of the sealed boxes yesterday when he’d brought them into the ranch house. That had been another reason she’d hadn’t had sleep last night. Excitement at wrapping her purchases had wound her up so much she hadn’t been able to do any resting.

  She glanced at a clock on the nearby wall. It was almost midnight. Almost Christmas. Not a creature was stirring, not even a cowboy. She gazed around the room again and shook her head. Was she really here? Was she truly, really sincerely here, having sex with three cowboys?

  Impatience settled inside her. It was time to go to Brady.

  She blew out a tense breathe and stood. Tonight, she wore nothing but a robe. Brady’s robe. The same one Kelly had been wearing this morning. But JJ had washed it with the rest of the laundry. The last thing she wanted on Brady or his robe was some other female’s scent. She wanted only her smell on his clothes and on him.

  A hushed noise from the direction of Brady’s bedroom snapped her back to attention. Brady would be waiting for her. Just thinking of the encounter in the mudroom, remembering his heated gaze and that huge bulge pressed against her as he’d held her, promised to bring her plenty of pleasure. That’s what she craved. To be held and to feel loved. To lose herself in pleasure, if only for one night.

  She took a couple of steps forward and froze. Brady stood right in front of her, not more than three feet away. He wore nothing but his black cowboy hat and black track pants. His arms were crossed over his muscular chest and a sweet smile tilted his lips.

  “What are you up to, Mrs. Santa Claus?” he asked as he tried to peek around her.

  “Nothing.” She giggled as she reached out and grabbed him by his biceps with the intention of pushing him backward and out of the living room so he wouldn’t see the presents. Beneath her fingers his muscles flexed, but he was immovable.